From Dave Barry.
Category Archives: Popular Culture
Merry Christmas To All
To all of my faithful readers.
And if you don’t want a merry Christmas, don’t have one. No one’s holding a gun to your head.
Just What We Needed
If you die in the game, you die in real life.
This seems quite Darwinian.
James Cameron
It’s hilarious that he’s too dumb to know that you can never be woke enough.
Avatar, The Way Of Water
…is a damp squib.
I wasn’t as impressed with the original as I was supposed to be, partly because of its anti-capitalism theme.
The Issue Is Settled
Die Hard is a Christmas movie.
Objections To Mars Colonization
Peter Hague knocks them down.
Christine McVie
The Question That Fools Don’t Ask
As he says, many were sheep, led by fools.
Despite all the badgering from the right people, American still don’t enjoy it.
The Simpsons had it nailed years ago.