OMG I’m dying 🤣. I couldn't say it better myself.
— Kagens Looking Glass (@KagensNews) April 14, 2023
Category Archives: Popular Culture
The Embrace Of Mulvaney
Gaines And Losses
Thoughts on the crazed event at San Francisco State.
On Institutions
The “Billionaire Space Race”
Yes, I always get annoyed at the comparisons between Musk and Bezos, let alone by either of them with Branson, who has wasted vast amounts of other peoples’ money with not much to show for it or any hope of getting much of it back.
[Tuesday-morning update]
I’m finally getting around to reading the whole thing. I found this amusing: “In the future, Virgin Galactic aims to use its advanced technologies to manufacture aircraft capable of high-speed point-to-point travel. High-speed aircraft are capable of traveling faster than the speed of sound. A significant market opportunity exists for vehicles with this capability, as they could drastically reduce international travel times.”
What “advanced technologies”?
What If All The Presidents
…were comic-book villains?
[Update a few minutes later]
Hilarious Twitter Thread
Be sure to read the replies.
America In 2023
…is not quite Germany in the 1930s. Yet.
Congratulations To Treacher
He has a new gig with Gutfeld.
A New Stevie Nicks?
Meet Lanie Gardner.