Category Archives: Political Commentary


David Brooks has an excellent op-ed in the NYT on partisanship. It’s as balanced a piece as you’ll find anywhere, and it’s backed by real data. This is a pet interest of mine, as it’s a pervasive cognitive phenomenon. People create a model of the world and then select data which reinforces it. Man is a rational animal only occasionally.

A Twofer

Senator Kerry is suspending his election campaign in respect for President Reagan’s passing.

I’m going to channel Mickey Kaus here, and note that this is a good deal for him. It lets him look classy, while minimizing his exposure to the American public for a few days, which should boost his poll ratings.

And in seriousness, his statement today was classy (surprisingly, to me). I didn’t expect him to say anything unclassy, but I thought he might avoid comment, or have minimal comment, so as not to upset his Bush (and Reagan) hating base.

Let It Die

Apparently Arnold is as ignorant about the “assault weapons” ban as many others. But it probably won’t hurt him much in California.

In fact, supporting an extension of the ban, while having no practical effect, may give him cover to veto some of the loonier things that the legislature does in Sacramento (e.g., the ammunition tax, or the requirement to report gun ownership when renewing drivers license registration) without being called an NRA stooge.