Category Archives: Political Commentary

Let It Die

Apparently Arnold is as ignorant about the “assault weapons” ban as many others. But it probably won’t hurt him much in California.

In fact, supporting an extension of the ban, while having no practical effect, may give him cover to veto some of the loonier things that the legislature does in Sacramento (e.g., the ammunition tax, or the requirement to report gun ownership when renewing drivers license registration) without being called an NRA stooge.


Senator Kerry displayed the middle digit to a fellow Vietnam veteran who disagreed with his post-service behavior.

In front of schoolchildren.

He also accused him (without basis, as far as I know) of being “a felon.”

[Update on Wednesday afternoon]

I’m going to amend this post to “Newsmax claims that Senator Kerry displayed…” since I can’t find any other sources for the story. I still don’t find it out of character, though.

[Wednesday evening followup]

Here’s some more on the story, but unfortunately, it’s still Newsmax.

Wacky Politics

I’m hearing that John Effing Kerry is going to accept the nomination at, of all strange places and times, the convention. What a weird world we live in, that this is big news.

Actually, I think that he declined to accept it there before he decided to accept it there. We’ll see how many times he changes his mind again between now and July.

And for those who didn’t see it via Glenn or other places, Mickey has a pretty funny (and vicious) take on this (no obvious permalink–look for the May 26th, 2004 posting if you’re reading this from the future).