What would be the difference between Thanksgiving menus for Jesusland, as opposed to southern Canada? How would a “Red” Turkeyday differ from a “Blue” one?
Provide both menus, and prayers.
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What would be the difference between Thanksgiving menus for Jesusland, as opposed to southern Canada? How would a “Red” Turkeyday differ from a “Blue” one?
Provide both menus, and prayers.
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Kathleen Willey says that Senator Clinton had better be aware of what will happen if she decides to run for president. Like the Vietnam vets, these women haven’t forgotten that she was complicit in the lies and smears.
[Update at 1:15 PM EST]
So much for Bill’s legacy.
OK, over three years later, with our men fighting house to house in Iraq, is there anyone out there (c’mon, raise your hands), anyone who isn’t aware of Islam?
I wonder if this Paula Berinstein is this Paula Berinstein?
Let those Democratic leaders who think their party should show more religious faith and moderate its stand on abortion know this: If the Democratic Party does so, it will lose millions of lifelong members like me.
Moving to the right is not the answer. The Democrats got 48 percent of the vote in the 2004 presidential election. They don’t need to change their positions. They need to take control of the debate, get their voters to the polls and make sure that Republicans don’t pull dirty tricks.
If the Democratic Party moves to the right, I will defect to the Green Party, as will many of my friends and family.
Paula Berinstein
Thousand Oaks, Calif., Nov. 17, 2004
That’s the problem that the Dems have. They may not be able to gain in the center without losing more heavily their base.
[Via Jim Geraghty]
This line in Richard Morin’s column about the election exit polls has bent the needle on my irony meter hard to starboard.
…rather than flog the bloggers for rushing to publish the raw exit poll data on their Web sites, we may owe them a debt of gratitude. A few more presidential elections like this one and the public will learn to do the right thing and simply ignore news of early exit poll data. Then perhaps people will start ignoring the bloggers, who proved once more that their spectacular lack of judgment is matched only by their abundant arrogance.
I wonder if he’s ever accused Dan Rather of arrogance? In a sane world, his picture would accompany the dictionary definition of the word.
The guys at Powerline may have found it.
The Washington Post is no longer going to publish Ted Rall’s vile scribblings. I’d blame John Ashcroft, but we don’t have him to kick around any more.
And Canadians are finally allowed to watch Fox News.
This story just keeps on going, and going, like the Energizer Bunny. Now Rush is involved:
Cooperman, whose professional practice is based in Delray Beach, said the election-related symptoms she sees in the Kerry supporters more than quality [sic] PEST as
It just occurs to me that Condi doesn’t necessarily have to give up her White House job when she takes over Foggy Bottom. Henry Kissinger was simultaneously National Security Advisor and Secretary of State for two years. I haven’t heard about potential replacements for her current position. I wonder if the White House is thinking what I’m thinking, or if they just haven’t gotten around to announcing her replacement yet.