Rush Limbaugh’s ratings are seeing a huge growth in the youth demographic. In New York City, no less.
Category Archives: Political Commentary
More Bad News For The Donkeys’ Future
Rush Limbaugh’s ratings are seeing a huge growth in the youth demographic. In New York City, no less.
More Bad News For The Donkeys’ Future
Rush Limbaugh’s ratings are seeing a huge growth in the youth demographic. In New York City, no less.
An Interesting Correlation
Particularly in light of the tragic affliction of some of my fellow Boca Ratonians. David Asman has found one:
Those Who Know Him Best…
Michael Moore can’t get no respect from his homies:
“Would you want him as a role model? Would you want your son or daughter to be like him?” asked Don Hammond, a member of the Hall of Fame selection committee. “I haven’t talked to anybody yet who’s for him. The word to describe Michael Moore is embarrassing. He embarrasses everybody.”
(And note that, contra popular myth, he’s from Davison, not my home town of Flint).
[Update at noon eastern]
Speaking of Michael Moore, Bill Whittle describes a recent encounter of the third kind with him, with some thoughts on celebrities and politics.
I Wonder
…how many other people will be put off (as I am) from donating to any cause with which a notorious con man like Bill Clinton is associated?
Suppressed Dissidents
Here’s a new blog, from non-liberal non-Democrat non-socialists at the State Department. Will they be able to come in from the cold in the new Rice regime?
Stupefying Ignorance
Brits think that Israel is the worst country in the world. Imagine how bad it must be. Worse than North Korea. Worse than Zimbabwe or, for that matter, every country in Africa. Worse than Syria.
Simply amazing. The BBC has done its propaganda job well.
[Update a few minutes later]
It’s not quite as bad as I thought–it was an on-line survey. Still it amazes me that anyone can have such a stupid opinion.
[Update on Wednesday morning]
Melanie Phillips has a more comprehensive explanation:
Britain is gripped by an unprecedented degree of irrationality, prejudice and hysteria over the issues of Iraq, the terrorist jihad and Israel. All three are intimately linked; all three, however, are thought by public opinion to be linked in precisely the wrong way. This is because all three have been systematically misreported, distorted and misrepresented through a lethal combination of profound ignorance, political malice and ancient prejudices.
This systematic abuse by the media is having a devastating impact in weakening the ability of the west to defend itself against the unprecedented mortal threat that it faces from the Islamic jihad. People cannot and will not fight if they don
Those “Stingy” Americans
We’ve already contributed eighteen million dollars to the relief effort since Sunday. Of course, since that’s only private contributions, and not one inefficient government bureaucracy taking money from the taxpayers to give to some other inefficient government bureaucracy, I guess it doesn’t count.
Chuck Simmons has more.
Those “Stingy” Americans
We’ve already contributed eighteen million dollars to the relief effort since Sunday. Of course, since that’s only private contributions, and not one inefficient government bureaucracy taking money from the taxpayers to give to some other inefficient government bureaucracy, I guess it doesn’t count.
Chuck Simmons has more.