Category Archives: Political Commentary

Still Crazy After All These Months

Pat Hynes, of Ankle Biting Pundits (formerly, sinks his teeth into Howard Dean’s achilles tendon:

Instead of working the media, Dean kicked off his much-ballyhooed tour of “Red America.” But the tour got off to an unfortunate start for the chairman. In Kansas, Democrat Governor Kathleen Sebelius made sure she was all booked up and unable to meet with him. Dean was reduced to begging yokels to do more to help the cause. “I’m asking you to run for the school board, I’m asking you to run for the city council, I’m asking you to run for library trustee.” Pity the poor rural Kansan when the Dean-inspired Democrat candidate for dog catcher busts out into a chimerical conspiracy theory about the neo-cons at the next community candidate forum.

The “Arab Street”

Remember all the warnings we’ve had over the years from the wise heads in the punditocracy, how if we supported Israel, or removed the Taliban, or removed Saddam, or dissed Arafat, or promoted democracy in the Middle East, that the “Arab Street” would rise up in anger?

Well, I guess they were finally, after all those years of false predictions, proven right.

I think that Syria is finding itself in a quagmire. So is the MSM.

[Update at 1:48 PM EST]

Rick Savage emails:

I’m waiting for Ted Kennedy to proclaim that Lebanon is Syria’s Vietnam, and demand an immediate pull out!

I’m waiting, but I’m not holding my breath.

Probably a good plan…

The “Arab Street”

Remember all the warnings we’ve had over the years from the wise heads in the punditocracy, how if we supported Israel, or removed the Taliban, or removed Saddam, or dissed Arafat, or promoted democracy in the Middle East, that the “Arab Street” would rise up in anger?

Well, I guess they were finally, after all those years of false predictions, proven right.

I think that Syria is finding itself in a quagmire. So is the MSM.

[Update at 1:48 PM EST]

Rick Savage emails:

I’m waiting for Ted Kennedy to proclaim that Lebanon is Syria’s Vietnam, and demand an immediate pull out!

I’m waiting, but I’m not holding my breath.

Probably a good plan…

The “Arab Street”

Remember all the warnings we’ve had over the years from the wise heads in the punditocracy, how if we supported Israel, or removed the Taliban, or removed Saddam, or dissed Arafat, or promoted democracy in the Middle East, that the “Arab Street” would rise up in anger?

Well, I guess they were finally, after all those years of false predictions, proven right.

I think that Syria is finding itself in a quagmire. So is the MSM.

[Update at 1:48 PM EST]

Rick Savage emails:

I’m waiting for Ted Kennedy to proclaim that Lebanon is Syria’s Vietnam, and demand an immediate pull out!

I’m waiting, but I’m not holding my breath.

Probably a good plan…

More On Sully’s Pointlessness

I wondered what Andrew Sullivan’s point about Bush and big-government conservatism was last week. Ramesh Ponnuru has responded to his post in a similar manner:

His thought experiment, meanwhile, is thoughtless. For it to begin to work, his President Al Gore would have had to have overthrown the Baathist regime in Iraq, enacted Health Savings Accounts, cut taxes, proposed a free-market reform of Social Security, nominated conservative judges, and so forth. (There have been more conservative policy achievements under this president than there were at the height of Gingrich’s revolution, a fact which certainly tempers my nostalgia for it.) Is Sullivan really suggesting that opposing Bush and backing John Kerry would have been the truly conservative thing to do in the last election? Oh right: That is what Sullivan thought. Now he’s complaining that NR refused to join him in his folly.

More On Sully’s Pointlessness

I wondered what Andrew Sullivan’s point about Bush and big-government conservatism was last week. Ramesh Ponnuru has responded to his post in a similar manner:

His thought experiment, meanwhile, is thoughtless. For it to begin to work, his President Al Gore would have had to have overthrown the Baathist regime in Iraq, enacted Health Savings Accounts, cut taxes, proposed a free-market reform of Social Security, nominated conservative judges, and so forth. (There have been more conservative policy achievements under this president than there were at the height of Gingrich’s revolution, a fact which certainly tempers my nostalgia for it.) Is Sullivan really suggesting that opposing Bush and backing John Kerry would have been the truly conservative thing to do in the last election? Oh right: That is what Sullivan thought. Now he’s complaining that NR refused to join him in his folly.

More On Sully’s Pointlessness

I wondered what Andrew Sullivan’s point about Bush and big-government conservatism was last week. Ramesh Ponnuru has responded to his post in a similar manner:

His thought experiment, meanwhile, is thoughtless. For it to begin to work, his President Al Gore would have had to have overthrown the Baathist regime in Iraq, enacted Health Savings Accounts, cut taxes, proposed a free-market reform of Social Security, nominated conservative judges, and so forth. (There have been more conservative policy achievements under this president than there were at the height of Gingrich’s revolution, a fact which certainly tempers my nostalgia for it.) Is Sullivan really suggesting that opposing Bush and backing John Kerry would have been the truly conservative thing to do in the last election? Oh right: That is what Sullivan thought. Now he’s complaining that NR refused to join him in his folly.

No Moore Respect

Kathleen Antrim says that Michael Moore’s former manager doesn’t have kind words for him:

With characteristic zeal, Moore campaigned vigorously for a Best Picture nomination.

“He was at every Oscar party and screening,” said Moore’s former manager Douglas Urbanski, a critically acclaimed 25-year veteran of the entertainment industry most recently known for the movie “The Contender,” starring Gary Oldman, Joan Allen and Jeff Bridges. “He took out full-page ads, cut his hair, bathed and even wore a suit. [Moore was] very present around town.”

Emphasis mine. Apparently, Hollywood is blaming him for Kerry’s defeat. And then there’s this:

…he feels no compunction in talking about the only client he ever fired. And he fired Moore with a ten-page letter.

“A more dishonest and demented person I have never met,” Urbanski wrote me in an e-mail, “and I have known a few! And he is more money obsessed than any I have known, and that’s saying a lot.”

Urbanski believes that Moore hates America, hates capitalism, and hates any normal concept of freedom and democracy. This seems odd considering that if it weren’t for America, freedom and capitalism, Moore’s brand of expression and capitalistic success would be impossible, if not illegal. “Michael Moore could not withstand

A Black Hole?

Mark Steyn says that Europe is set to implode:

Many Americans wander round with the constitution in their pocket so they can whip it out and chastise over-reaching congressmen and senators at a moment’s notice. Try going round with the European Constitution in your pocket and you’ll be walking with a limp after two hours: It’s 511 pages, which is 500 longer than the U.S. version. It’s full of stuff about European space policy, Slovakian nuclear plants, water resources, free expression for children, the right to housing assistance, preventive action on the environment, etc.

Most of the so-called constitution isn’t in the least bit constitutional. That’s to say, it’s not content, as the U.S. Constitution is, to define the distribution and limitation of powers. Instead, it reads like a U.S. defense spending bill that’s got porked up with a ton of miscellaneous expenditures for the ”mohair subsidy” and other notorious Congressional boondoggles. President Ronald Reagan liked to say, ”We are a nation that has a government — not the other way around.” If you want to know what it looks like the other way round, read Monsieur Giscard’s constitution.

Maybe Bush’s decision to endorse the EU this week was just his way of hurrying things along.