Chuck Simmins says that Americans have now raised over a billion dollars in private aid for the tsunami victims.
Damned unilateralists.
Chuck Simmins says that Americans have now raised over a billion dollars in private aid for the tsunami victims.
Damned unilateralists.
…the Senate, as currently composed, seems to attract people who have that potent & fatal combination of dimness and self-regard, and when you elevate those sorts to the Great National Saucer, you get idiocies like the Bolton hearing. On one side, a charmless babbler like Joe Biden, whose instinct upon finding a bad metaphor is to attenuate it until it is three microns wide; on the other side, George Voinovich, who finally showed up for a hearing and pronounced himself Disturbed by the allegations. This is like a guy skipping class on the origins [of] WW2 for a month then raising his hand to ask why they haven
In addition to being the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord, and the Oklahoma City bombing, it’s also the twelth anniversary of Waco (which was probably one of the precipitating events for Oklahoma City).
Byron York describes the ongoing absurdity of campaign finance “reform.”
…after years of campaign-finance reform, we are entering an era in which a donor can give an unlimited amount of money to an unaccountable group without any public disclosure. Before McCain-Feingold, big donors gave fully-disclosed money to the political parties, which, because they represented the entire coalition that made up the Democratic or Republican parties, were far more accountable to the public than the new, outside, groups became. Now, new C4s like do not even have to reveal where they get their money
On the eve of the tenth anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, Rich Fruzetti has some thoughts on the questions that remain unanswered. As he points out, Islamic terrorism on US soil didn’t begin on September 11, 2001–that’s just when we first noticed it. Perhaps if we’d been more attentive earlier, we could have been spared that event.
On the eve of the tenth anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, Rich Fruzetti has some thoughts on the questions that remain unanswered. As he points out, Islamic terrorism on US soil didn’t begin on September 11, 2001–that’s just when we first noticed it. Perhaps if we’d been more attentive earlier, we could have been spared that event.
On the eve of the tenth anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, Rich Fruzetti has some thoughts on the questions that remain unanswered. As he points out, Islamic terrorism on US soil didn’t begin on September 11, 2001–that’s just when we first noticed it. Perhaps if we’d been more attentive earlier, we could have been spared that event.
Mark Steyn has more entertaining and trenchant thoughts on John Bolton’s hip handing.
As for the job Bolton’s up for, what would make Barbara Boxer and Joe Biden put their hands on hips? Child sex rings run from U.N. peacekeeping operations? Sudan sitting on the Human Rights Commission while it licenses mass murder in Darfur? Kofi Annan’s son doing a $30,000-a-year job but somehow having a spare quarter-million dollars to invest in a Swiss soccer club? There are tides in the affairs of men when someone has to put his hands on his hips and toss his curls. And, if the present depraved state of the U.N. isn’t one of them, nothing is.
Ten years later, Fox News isn’t letting the Oklahoma City story die.
The government’s story continues to not hold water. For example, check out this strawman:
Editor’s Note: Watch the FOX News Channel on Sunday at 9 p.m. EDT for “The Oklahoma City Bombing: Unanswered Questions.” And check out on Monday for a story showing how FBI agents are convinced they got the right men.
No one is claiming that they didn’t get “the right men.” The point isn’t about whether or not McVeigh and Nichols did it, though the defenders of the government action would have us believe that that’s the issue in contention. Everyone agrees that they did (as far as I know). The question is whether or not there were others involved, who remain free. And more seriously, if there were foreign governments involved that the Clinton administration would have found politically inconvenient to finger, particular since, if it restricted its investigation to “angry white guys” it could pin it on those evil right-wing Republicans.
As the article points out, the official story remains quite fishy, and there was a disturbing amount of evidence destroyed. And does this make any sense?
Oklahoma City attorney Michael Johnston said the FBI was not given all the tapes from as many as twenty-five cameras that he says were in and around the Murrah Building.