Category Archives: Political Commentary

Strike While The Iron’s Hot

Hugh Hewitt has a good idea (not to imply that this isn’t often the case) about federal funds for Louisiana:

Senate Republicans should insist that as part of the package, reforms in the federal Endangered Species Act–similar to this that are poised to pass the House–be included in the appropriation so that the notoriously expense-increasing and private-property-rights destroying ESA not delay or increase the costs of these projects or other Corps projects across the country. A simple tightening of deadlines widely abused by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service when the Corps “consults” with that agency under the ESA would be a huge step forward.

While they’re at it, the National Environmental Protection Act could use an overhaul as well. These two laws are one of the bigger barriers to private space launch, now that some of the FAA issues have been resolved.

If this Republican spending binge and the hurricanes result in real federal reform, such as this and a line-item veto, they will be shining silver linings in the clouds.

Strike While The Iron’s Hot

Hugh Hewitt has a good idea (not to imply that this isn’t often the case) about federal funds for Louisiana:

Senate Republicans should insist that as part of the package, reforms in the federal Endangered Species Act–similar to this that are poised to pass the House–be included in the appropriation so that the notoriously expense-increasing and private-property-rights destroying ESA not delay or increase the costs of these projects or other Corps projects across the country. A simple tightening of deadlines widely abused by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service when the Corps “consults” with that agency under the ESA would be a huge step forward.

While they’re at it, the National Environmental Protection Act could use an overhaul as well. These two laws are one of the bigger barriers to private space launch, now that some of the FAA issues have been resolved.

If this Republican spending binge and the hurricanes result in real federal reform, such as this and a line-item veto, they will be shining silver linings in the clouds.

Strike While The Iron’s Hot

Hugh Hewitt has a good idea (not to imply that this isn’t often the case) about federal funds for Louisiana:

Senate Republicans should insist that as part of the package, reforms in the federal Endangered Species Act–similar to this that are poised to pass the House–be included in the appropriation so that the notoriously expense-increasing and private-property-rights destroying ESA not delay or increase the costs of these projects or other Corps projects across the country. A simple tightening of deadlines widely abused by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service when the Corps “consults” with that agency under the ESA would be a huge step forward.

While they’re at it, the National Environmental Protection Act could use an overhaul as well. These two laws are one of the bigger barriers to private space launch, now that some of the FAA issues have been resolved.

If this Republican spending binge and the hurricanes result in real federal reform, such as this and a line-item veto, they will be shining silver linings in the clouds.

Good Idea

If Ramesh is right, a couple of Republican senators have come up with a way to turn down the political heat on their big-spending party–by sponsoring a line-item veto amendment. The Supreme Court struck down the line-item veto in the 1990s, but this would get around that by making it Constitutional.

They’d better be careful what they wish for, though–given the current mood of the country, it just might pass. Or maybe, in the case of these two particular senators, they actually hope it will. It could be that its time has finally come.

Yeah, He Did Such A Great Job In Haiti

Just in case you harbored any illusions that Ramsey Clark had the slightest remaining shred of sanity, he apparently just called for Bush to be replaced by deposed Haitian president Aristide at today’s anti-America rally in Washington (and yes, I call it that because most of the people there aren’t actually for peace–they’re just on the other side).

[Update at 3 pM]

Gateway Pundit agrees:

For the media to say that this is an Anti-War Rally is a lie. Now they are chanting, “End the Occupation!”…The media should be sued for misrepresentation.

More Law Enforcement Stupidity

Yes, even in Texas:

…local law enforcment officials have closed off local farm and country roads which would ease the traffic flow along the major evacuation routes. One friend of mine who lives in Angleton, 40 or 50 miles south of Houston and who is very familiar with the back roads was not allowed to use them; local law enforcement officials forced him back on to the major evacuation routes which lead to nowhere. They are virtual parking lots. There are numerous reports of people turning around and returning to their homes.

What, No Vichy Britain?

Non-Americans, and particularly French non-Americans, are fond of noting how ignorant Americans supposedly are of the rest of the world and history. Which makes it all the more ironic that the French foreign minister apparently doesn’t know that Hitler never conquered Britain:

Needless to say, Douste-Blazy’s question was met by his hosts with amazement. “But Monsieur le minister,” Le Canard quoted the ensuing conversation, “England was never conquered by the Nazis during World War II.”

The minister apparently was not content with this answer, which, according to the magazine, was given by the museum curator, and persisted, asking: “Yes, but were there no Jews who were deported from England?”

Well, I suppose that he should at least be given some credit for deigning to visit that “sh**ty little country,” Israel, and the Holocaust museum.