Category Archives: Political Commentary

A Tribute To True Democrats

As opposed to many of the so-called ones in this country. I find it ironic that many people who call themselves Democrats are the ones in the forefront of poo pooing democracy when it actually happens. If a Democrat was in the White House, they’d be praising it, and him (or her) to the skies, of course.

Anway, Adam Keiper has compiled a stirring video of the Iraqi elections.

Those Who Know Him Best…

Michael Moore can’t get no respect from his homies:

“Would you want him as a role model? Would you want your son or daughter to be like him?” asked Don Hammond, a member of the Hall of Fame selection committee. “I haven’t talked to anybody yet who’s for him. The word to describe Michael Moore is embarrassing. He embarrasses everybody.”

(And note that, contra popular myth, he’s from Davison, not my home town of Flint).

[Update at noon eastern]

Speaking of Michael Moore, Bill Whittle describes a recent encounter of the third kind with him, with some thoughts on celebrities and politics.