Category Archives: Political Commentary

They Have One Big Problem

These morons, that is.

As a result of their failed ideology, we have the guns. If I believed in God, I’d thank him for the Second Amendment. I’ll thank the Founders instead. Let’s just hope that the Supreme Court doesn’t completely eviscerate it, as they have much of the rest of the Constitution. Certainly Republicans haven’t helped much, so far.

Yes, I know this is a weird post to be the first one in a couple days. What can I say? I’m busy, and, to quote Jayne in Serenity (a movie that I just saw a couple nights ago for the first time), the site damaged my calm.


I don’t normally think that Harry Reid is smart enough for this sort of thing, but did he set Bush up by blessing Harriett Miers? I only ask because I’m listening to a DNC strategist saying that she’s disappointed that Bush didn’t “consult” with the minority leader on the latest pick.

Will There Be A Double Standard?

Given the potential jail time and fines for the charges, I’ll be very interested to see if Libby (assuming that he’s convicted or cops a plea) gets a harsher sentence than Sandy Berger, someone accused of not only lying to investigators, but destroying archived government documents that may have shed light on the anti-terrorism activities of the Clinton administration (or lack thereof)–crimes to which he has confessed. It would certainly shock my personal judicial conscience if he does.

I Have To Confess

…a desire to see Bush name Ann Coulter to the Supreme Court, just to see the apoplexia that this would arouse among Democrats and liberals. The halls of Congress would be bloody with bursting veins and arteries. I wouldn’t expect (or even hope) that she’d be confirmed, but the entertainment value, particularly at the hearings, would be immense.


I hope that this withdrawal is the trough of this presidency, and that he’ll quickly nominate a worthy candidate. My suggestion (agreeing with some over at The Corner)–Ted Olson. He’s got sterling credentials, and it would be very tough for the Democrats to beat him up in the hearings, because he’ll bring a natural sympathy due to his loss in the war.

Oh, and by the way, are these people serious? The conspiracy mongery on the left apparently knows no bounds.

[Update a few minutes later]

I’m listening to DiFi, who just informed us that Miers’ answers to her questions were not fulsome. I continue to be amazed that California chooses to have two of the dimmest bulbs in the Senate (and that’s a tough competition) represent them in that body.

The Hypocrisy Of Self-Righteous Leftists

…and the mainstream media that ignores it. An interview with Peter Schweizer:

I’m not sure that most people take Franken seriously, but the media most assuredly does…His vicious attacks against conservatives as racists are not meant to be funny. He really does think that we’re bigots. So questions about his absolutely abysmal record when it comes to hiring minorities should be exposed. (For those who want a hint, less than one percent of his employees have been black. That’s a worse record than Bob Jones University, which Franken claims is “racist.”)

There’s more there about Michael Moore, Barbara Streisand, and Noam Chomsky, among others. He’s written a book.