Category Archives: Political Commentary

Failing Score

How is Bush doing?

Not very well, according to Gerard Baker.

…the US could take the risk of alienating the world and discarding international law only if its leadership was going to be effective. Instead its leadership has been desultory and uncertain and tragically ineffective.

It tried unilateral pre-emption in Iraq, but never really had the will to see it through. So with Iran, it went all mushy and multilateralist. In Lebanon, it thought it would cover all the bases

Too Bad He Wasn’t Born In The US

I think I see a candidate for president in ’08 that the “netroots” could really get behind. Hugh Hewitt talks about their latest hearthrob:

“Even before the translation could be heard, I felt more assured of his intelligence and comprehension than I’ve ever felt about Bush speaking in mangled English. He’s a very savvy politician, to be sure.”


“He is smart and is also media savvy or surrounded by people that are, as shown by the wardrobe, the mannerisms and likely even the pitch and tone of his chosen translator.”


“He certainly has some of the same comments and questions of bush that we do. He raised many good points.”

Plus, he’s all for destroying the Zionist Entity! What’s not to love?

Too Bad He Wasn’t Born In The US

I think I see a candidate for president in ’08 that the “netroots” could really get behind. Hugh Hewitt talks about their latest hearthrob:

“Even before the translation could be heard, I felt more assured of his intelligence and comprehension than I’ve ever felt about Bush speaking in mangled English. He’s a very savvy politician, to be sure.”


“He is smart and is also media savvy or surrounded by people that are, as shown by the wardrobe, the mannerisms and likely even the pitch and tone of his chosen translator.”


“He certainly has some of the same comments and questions of bush that we do. He raised many good points.”

Plus, he’s all for destroying the Zionist Entity! What’s not to love?

Too Bad He Wasn’t Born In The US

I think I see a candidate for president in ’08 that the “netroots” could really get behind. Hugh Hewitt talks about their latest hearthrob:

“Even before the translation could be heard, I felt more assured of his intelligence and comprehension than I’ve ever felt about Bush speaking in mangled English. He’s a very savvy politician, to be sure.”


“He is smart and is also media savvy or surrounded by people that are, as shown by the wardrobe, the mannerisms and likely even the pitch and tone of his chosen translator.”


“He certainly has some of the same comments and questions of bush that we do. He raised many good points.”

Plus, he’s all for destroying the Zionist Entity! What’s not to love?