Category Archives: Political Commentary

Not Impressed

That’s what Orson Scott Card is with Gary Trudeau and his comparisons between George Bush and Bill Clinton:

“The second president [Clinton] lies about hooking up with an intern.”

Aw, yeah, that’s nothing. Now, if Clinton had sent her dirty messages by IM or email, then he should have not just been impeached, but convicted and thrown out of office. But actually getting her to perform sexual acts on him, and then lying about it — heck, who doesn’t do that with underage sex partners who are in an almost infinitely subservient relationship with the most powerful man on earth?

And the lying — never mind that it was under oath in a court proceeding. Never mind that the lie was not to protect national security in any way, but merely to obstruct his opponent in a personal lawsuit based on previous sexual misconduct. It just doesn’t matter because it’s kind of charming that Clinton’s insatiable sexual appetite could not be controlled even when he was in the White House.

Because that just makes him a “babe hound,” to quote Trudeau’s comic strip. And the Left finds “babe hounds” rather charming. Unless they’re Republicans, in which case they must be hounded from office immediately.

This is the moral universe of Garry Trudeau — and of thousands, perhaps millions of others who subscribe to the Smarty-Pants school of moral reasoning. President Bush, whose actions have obviously been motivated solely by the desire to protect America from a genuine danger from bloodthirsty enemies, is worthy of impeachment for the crimes of (a) not always being right, (b) doing what other presidents have done, and (c) having national media figures hate him so badly that they will happily believe any vile rumor his enemies spread about.

And lest the lefty wingnuts howl about this last, they should read the whole thing, in which their hateful loony rants are preemptively demolished.

Idea-Free Zone

So I was reading this article by Michael Barone, about the Democrats’ policy prospects, which started out with this:

What will the Democrats do with their majorities in Congress? The 2006 campaign was pretty much an idea-free zone and provides only a few clues.

Surely that can’t be right?

I decided to do a search for innovative Democrat policies, though, and sure enough, they’re scarce on the ground.

Maybe if we google bomb this enough, it will rise to the top of the list.

Subverting Private Enterprise

YouTube joins the War on (Some) Drugs.

Bad on them. The DEA is certainly welcome to post whatever nonsensical propaganda they want on the site, but the suppression of dissent is odious. What kind of arm twisting went on for that?

[Update a few minutes later]

In reading the comments, I see that there’s nothing unusual about this. Anyone who uploads a video can disable comments and ratings.

[/VOICE=”Emily Litella”]
Never mind.

Still, as one of the commenters points out, this could end up backfiring on the drug warriors. First, who’s going to go out of their way to look at anti-drug propaganda on YouTube? Second, expect dozens of parodies of the thing to appear very soon, which will get viewed and linked.