If anyone wonders why I refuse to call the Democrat Party the Democratic Party, here’s Exhibit A. And the name of the act (as is often the case in such things) is positively Orwellian.
Category Archives: Political Commentary
We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Secret Ballots
If anyone wonders why I refuse to call the Democrat Party the Democratic Party, here’s Exhibit A. And the name of the act (as is often the case in such things) is positively Orwellian.
We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Secret Ballots
If anyone wonders why I refuse to call the Democrat Party the Democratic Party, here’s Exhibit A. And the name of the act (as is often the case in such things) is positively Orwellian.
Way Off Base
Whenever I read anything like this rewriting of history, it makes it hard to take anything else that person says seriously. It tells me that that person is living in some kind of Clinton-spun dreamworld:
As to Bill Clinton not being the focus of right wing hatred, I disagree strongly. For years, I would see bumper stickers around town that said, “Don’t Blame Me, I Voted for Bush.” The right wing-funded litigation was going after Bill, not Hillary. Ken Starr persecuted [literally] Bill, not Hillary. And, the Republican Congress impeached and tried the President — not the First Lady — for no other reason than he was unfaithful to his wife, and in the face of a 65% approval rating. No, they were after Bill, because they just couldn’t bear to have been beaten by a Democrat. Especially a Democrat that they had targeted, on which they had attempted political homicide, and who just wouldn’t go away when a lesser man would have quit. Clinton’s perserverence [sic], and the continuing efforts by the Right to downplay his two Administrations, simply reinforce my theory that the Republicans will do anything — anything — to win.
Emphasis mine. Not only were there several other reasons, but that wasn’t even one of them. I know that you’ll be shocked to learn that none of the articles of impeachment mentioned his wife, or his fidelity to her. He was impeached for things that are federal crimes. Worse ones, in fact, than the one for which Scooter Libby is currently having a jury deliberate, because they included not just lying under oath, but witness intimidation and bribery, and subornation of perjury from others. And Libby hadn’t taken an oath in front of the American people to see that the law of the land was properly executed.
And he can’t even keep his false story straight, because in the very next sentence, he says that he was impeached because he’d won an election (funny, how they’ve never done that with any other Democrat president).
And this guy’s supposed to be a lawyer?
This is the kind of fantastic denial about the nature of the Clintons among Democrats that I wrote about the other day.
Demonstrating Their Priorities
It’s OK to have Representative “Frozen Cash” Jefferson on the Home Security Committee–just don’t put him in charge of anything serious, like taxes:
Pelosi removed Jefferson from the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee in response to Justice Department allegations that the Louisiana Democrat had accepted $100,000 in bribes and stored $90,000 of them in his freezer. The speaker then gave Jefferson a seat on the Homeland Security, and Democrats agreed to the change in a closed-door caucus in February.
“The idea that Homeland Security is less important than the tax-writing committee is ludicrous,” Blunt said Wednesday.
She Must Be Crazy
A German teenager has been locked in a psychiatric ward because she was being home schooled. And the court in Strasburg has no problem with the Hitler-era law under which this was done.
Ah, the enlightened Europeans. I wonder if this is one of the “foreign court decisions” that some Supreme Court justices think should guide their own?
Asleep On The Job
Andy McCarthy asks what’s wrong with the Justice Department?
Jefferson is not only purported to be on tape, nearly two years ago, taking a $100K bribe, and was not only found to be in possession, nearly two years ago, of $90K in bribe money (stashed in the freezer). The government represented to a court that he obstructed the separate search of his home
What Are You Waiting For?
Mark Steyn comments on the anti-Cheney chickenhawks.
Hillary The Feminist
Rich Lowry has more thoughts about Hillary’s past.
Distasteful though it might be, Democrats would be well-advised to revisit Bill Clinton
Almost Sane
Dean Barnett says that Markos is going soft. Or, rather, to be more fair, growing up.
Ah, well, it was great while it lasted, and we’ll always have Fallujah. And we still have the Huffpo. Not to mention Metafilter.