Category Archives: Political Commentary

No Longer Ruling The Waves

One more sign that that age of the British Empire is long past:

A senior officer, currently serving with the Fleet in Portsmouth, said: “What this means is that we are now no better than a coastal defence force or a fleet of dug-out canoes. The Dutch now have a better navy than us.”

Defence sources said it would be unlikely that the Navy could now launch an armada of the kind that retook the Falkland Islands in 1982.

Steve Bush, editor of the monthly magazine Warship World, said the MoD was bankrupt following the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“After 10 years of Labour government, the Royal Navy is on its knees without immediate and proper funding. I cannot see how it can recover

Unanswered Questions

about Oklahoma City.

1) While McVeigh affirmed that the OKBOMB conspiracy began in September 1994, it remains a question if there was a meeting with Elohim radicals, including Strassmeir, on or after that date. What has been verified is that on that day McVeigh checked into a motel that day near Elohim City.

2) Did McVeigh receive funds from the Midwest Bank Robbers?

3) Did Kevin McCarthy ever see Strassmeir with McVeigh or did he know of a friendship between them? For a time, McCarthy was Strassmeir

Six Years Too Late

President Bush claims that he’s concerned about spending.

Yeah, right.

The freepers aren’t impressed, either:

Gawd, that’s almost like Jeffrey Dahlmer pushing for a vegetarian diet.

…Bush control spending? Start with that prescription drug extravaganza?

…The biggest government spender since LBJ ask for spending limits? LOL

I’d like to think he’s serious, but if so, it’s too bad that it took a Democrat congress for him to get religion.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out if he is. If he vetoes appropriations bills, as Bill Clinton did in 1994 (when he didn’t get enough spending from a Republican congress), who will get the blame in the media for “shutting down the government”? I think we know. As it was then, it will be the political party that starts with an “R.”

What The Troops Think Of John Kerry

Eating alone, in Iraq. Guess those troops aren’t as dumb as the senator thinks they are.

[Update at 10 AM EST]

Here’s more. You do have to give him some credit for being a good sport, though:

Before taking off, supposedly the helicopter pilot jumped out of the front seat while the rotor was turning (an extremely rare event), approached the rear of the bird, and asked Senator Kerry to autograph a copy of the photograph below.

To his everlasting credit, Senator Kerry was a good sport and actually signed it!!!

[Update on January 5th, 2007]

This story seems to have been debunked.