Some thoughts from Gerard Van der Leun, who really should be on my blog roll.
Category Archives: Philosophy
Libertarian Transhumanism
Rob Bailey has an interview with Peter Thiel. I agree with him that “transhumanist” is a misleading word, and it’s not useful to use it until there’s agreement on what is human. Unlike people like Asimov (and Kass) I don’t believe that we lose our humanity when we live indefinitely long.
I would have been interested to hear his thoughts on space.
The Future Is Leon’s Oyster
Well, if not his oyster, at least his dippy dot:
“It seems the legends of 21st-century man’s crude ice cream-eating habits are all true,” Wolcott said. “I see the way you consume these dripping concoctions with protruding tongues, the way the dark cream dribbles down your chins, the way your workers must dig tirelessly with spherical metal ‘scooping’ devices to even obtain this product.”
“Barbarians!” Wolcott added. “Dippin’ Dots can be poured effortlessly into cups. They do not melt or make a mess, and plus they are very fun to eat.”
Now, it would seem to me that this is a man after Leon Kass’ heart. Not to mention, ironically, that it gives this enemy of longevity a reason to live, and see such a marvelous future, in which he will no longer have to suffer the indignity of seeing people licking cones in the street, like so many cats at bath.
The Future Is Leon’s Oyster
Well, if not his oyster, at least his dippy dot:
“It seems the legends of 21st-century man’s crude ice cream-eating habits are all true,” Wolcott said. “I see the way you consume these dripping concoctions with protruding tongues, the way the dark cream dribbles down your chins, the way your workers must dig tirelessly with spherical metal ‘scooping’ devices to even obtain this product.”
“Barbarians!” Wolcott added. “Dippin’ Dots can be poured effortlessly into cups. They do not melt or make a mess, and plus they are very fun to eat.”
Now, it would seem to me that this is a man after Leon Kass’ heart. Not to mention, ironically, that it gives this enemy of longevity a reason to live, and see such a marvelous future, in which he will no longer have to suffer the indignity of seeing people licking cones in the street, like so many cats at bath.
The Future Is Leon’s Oyster
Well, if not his oyster, at least his dippy dot:
“It seems the legends of 21st-century man’s crude ice cream-eating habits are all true,” Wolcott said. “I see the way you consume these dripping concoctions with protruding tongues, the way the dark cream dribbles down your chins, the way your workers must dig tirelessly with spherical metal ‘scooping’ devices to even obtain this product.”
“Barbarians!” Wolcott added. “Dippin’ Dots can be poured effortlessly into cups. They do not melt or make a mess, and plus they are very fun to eat.”
Now, it would seem to me that this is a man after Leon Kass’ heart. Not to mention, ironically, that it gives this enemy of longevity a reason to live, and see such a marvelous future, in which he will no longer have to suffer the indignity of seeing people licking cones in the street, like so many cats at bath.
Are We Real?
Defecting From The Left
Norm Geras says that he didn’t leave the left–the left left him.
Not Any Old Marxist
Mickey Kaus says that Obama, like himself, is a vulgar Marxist.
Fidel Castro
Sometimes, you just have to think that these people’s brains are broken.
Bring On The Meat Factories
Hey, I’m all in favor of factory-manufactured meat, if it can be made to taste as good as the naturally grown variety, but I’m not going to stop eating meat until it happens. My criteria are basically intelligence based, and the first animal I’d give up eating, if I were going to give up any,s would be pigs, but I still occasionally have pork. I don’t feel that badly about eating cattle–they just don’t seem that bright to me. And the question of whether or not they’re better off living a short life, and then being slaughtered, than never having existed at all is one that, as noted, is purely subjective and unresolvable in any ultimate sense. I know that I’ve seen some pretty happy looking cows on the hillsides overlooking the Pacific in northern California. I can think of worse lives.
By the way, Phil should be aware that marsupials are mammals. The distinction is placental versus non-placental mammals. And there are people (probably some of those “bitter,” out-of-work folks) in this country who eat possum, and armadillo.