How it prevents the “liberal” agenda (scare quotes because there is nothing liberal about it).
Category Archives: Philosophy
Shatner’s Experience
We now have a transcript.
A Long Reflection
A short reflection on a really bad idea.
Self-Replicating Protocells
This is an interesting result.
How It Might End
Liberty is fragile thing, with many enemies.
From Jews To The Gentiles
A friendly Rosh HaShanah message.
When we lived in Boca, it really did seem like God’s waiting room.
To Declassify
…or not to declassify? That is the question. An interesting article on space weapons and deterrence.
Christian Denominations
The Babylon Bee has a handy guide for you.
52nd Anniversary
Apollo 11 launched on this day in 1969. I’ll be on The Space Show on Tuesday night, talking about Evoloterra.
On Independence Day
We now have an American government that is actively waging war on our liberty, but as Hannah Cox writes, true Americans were always extremists.
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On this 4th of July, we must rekindle the sacred fire of freedom.
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“Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming an extremist?”
I am concerned that Jack and Zuck think that 1984 is a how-to manual.
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Should we draft the next Congress?
It would be hard to do worse.
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What the Declaration of Independence said and meant.