Category Archives: Philosophy

Praise Be To Jobs

I am completely unsurprised by this:

In a recently screened BBC documentary called ‘Secrets of the Superbrands’, UK neuroscientists found that the brains of Apple fans are stimulated by images of Apple products in the same areas as those triggered by religious imagery in a person of faith. According to the scientists, this suggests that the big tech brands have harnessed, or exploit, the brain areas that have evolved to process religion.

At least they’re not Scientologists. Well, OK, maybe some of them are.

If A Man Murdered Thousands In The Name Of Christ

…would we give him a Christian burial? While I’m not a Christian, I would think that Christians would object.

I don’t think it helps the so-called “moderate Muslims” to “follow Islamic traditions” with respect to this monster. He should have been fed to the hogs.

[Update mid afternoon]

I’m listening to Glenn Beck, and he’s channeling me. He says he’s already spoken to Muslim friends who are appalled that this happened.

Also, I’ll have a piece up at Pajamas Media on this subject later today.

Big Government

What we’re talking about:

In a century, Big Government transformed an essential and minimalized service, the Federal Highway Administration, into the Department of Where the F*** Do You Think You’re Going, and the above fog machine is just the genetics of one department. I noted earlier that the GAO had “found” massive amounts of redundancy; it was a poor word. The GAO simply took the time to report on the disgust. Any rational man could look at the following, which is nothing more than a collection of current federal agencies, and understand the waste is of a scale difficult to comprehend and inspiring of our worst tendencies to rage.

It’s frightening, really.