A discussion. As a skeptic, it’s not a problem for me, of course.
Category Archives: Philosophy
Machine Morality
…and human responsibility.
Watching TV With Your Kids Over The Holidays?
Try Firefly. I noticed that there was a Firefly festival last weekend on one of the cable channels.
Why Would You Go?
How do you convince the twentieth generation of space colonists to leave earth?
[Update a few minutes later]
Slightly related: Charles Krauthammer wonders if we’re alone in the universe. I disagree with him, though, that politics is the driver of human history. Technology plays at least as large a role.
The Individual Mandate
Why both Gingrich and Romney are awful, and unconservative, though at least Gingrich has figured out the score, while Romney continues to double down.
[Update a few minutes later]
Here’s video of Romney continuing to defend the mandate as “conservative.” This tells us that he has no idea what conservative principles are, because in fact it is tyrannical.
Reclaiming The Liberal Tradition Of Libertarianism
Why the Ron Paul newsletters matter so much.
[Update mid morning]
More thoughts from Bryan Preston. This is not good for libertarianism.
The War Against Christmas
I don’t believe in God, but, I swear, people who believe there is no God, and don’t want anyone else to believe in Him are complete asshats, and this kind of nonsense is completely counterproductive to their cause.
Hitchens And Hell
Some thoughts from Ross Douthat. I’ve never even pretended to start to understand Christian theology. It always struck me as rationalization for what people want to believe.
I Don’t Care If It’s Stupid
I’m going to just keep right on doing it. Our science reporters at work.
Honing The Cognitive Toolkit
Some interesting stuff.