An interview with Bob Zubrin.
Category Archives: Philosophy
Privatize the Moon
…to cure Earthly poverty. A long research paper, that I haven’t read yet, but she appears (unsurprisingly) to take a Lockean approach.
The Revolution Isn’t Over
A long and depressing compendium of the forces that continue to be arrayed against liberty.
The Zombie Argument
What does it say about human consciousness?
To Mars Or Not To Mars?
That is the question at this Oxford debate this evening (in a couple hours, sorry about the short notice).
[Update toward the end of the debate]
As I’ve noted in the past, debates like this are pointless, because they are a false choice based on a false premise. We don’t have to choose between populating Mars and saving the planet; we have abundant resources for both. The false premise is that this is going to be a collective decision whose outcome will be determined by an Oxford debate. People who go to Mars will be doing so with their own money, so people on Earth who oppose it are going to have to make it illegal to prevent it. There is a word for people like that: jailers.
No, Rabbi
People are not “basically good.”
A Debate On The Ethics Of AI
In which an AI gives an unsettling answer.
“No Evidence”
…is a phrase that is a red flag for science communication.
For those wondering, no posting yesterday because we drove up to the Santa Ynez Valley and back to pick up our quarterly wine shipment at Foxen Vineyards. We get free tasting because Patricia is a club member. It was a beautiful day for the drive.
Elon Musk
No, Dr. Fauci
You are not “the science.” In fact, with statements like that, you are the Anti-science.
[Wednesday-morning update]
A “Cruz missile” drops on Fauci.