A long but interesting essay.
Category Archives: Philosophy
David Boaz
I saw one of his last (maybe his last) speeches at LibertyCon in DC a few months ago (during my trial, but on the weekend). He didn’t look well, but I didn’t know that he had cancer.
[Update late afternoon]
Sorry, link added.
Nature Rights
Utah has outlawed them. I’d like to see other states do this (it will never happen in California). In fact, I’d like to see some version of this in a codicil to the Outer Space Treaty.
What Is Space For?
A thoughtful essay at The New Atlantis (in which, in the next issue, I’ll have a review of Zubrin’s new book on Mars).
Libertarians Are The Real Liberals
A conversation with Nate Silver.
The Terrorists
The cleanest ethical solution is to kill them in battle.
A Problematic Form Of Life Extension
Ummmm…no thanks.
Gramscian Damage
As Jim Treacher noted on X, a kaffeya on campus is just a hipster swastika.
[October 22nd update]
“We law students aren’t surprised by pro-Hamas campuses.”
AI and Leviathan
The third part of a series of essays by Sam Hammond.
Feral Cattle
A long but interesting and well-written article.