Some instruction for millennials, from Bastiat.
[Update a couple minutes later]
Milan Kundera on historical amnesia.
[Afternoon update]
Socialism: The delusional fantasy that always ends in a nightmare.
Some instruction for millennials, from Bastiat.
[Update a couple minutes later]
Milan Kundera on historical amnesia.
[Afternoon update]
Socialism: The delusional fantasy that always ends in a nightmare.
An interesting disquisition on the ethics of saving others.
It’s not consistent with the scientific method. I agree.
…want to blacklist academics who write for Quillette.
[Update a few minutes later]
Speaking of Quillette, “Why We Should Read Marx.”
Giving him the boot.
He does seem to have gone completely nuts.
What are they good for? It seems to me they were mainly good for the pro-abortionists to hold the line against any restrictions on it, or any notion that embryos might be worthy of consideration as humans. Unlike them, I’m very glad that adult stem cells now seem to be the gold standard.
Some thoughts on the tradeoffs with animal cruelty. I would love to get pork in a cruelty-free way, and I’d vastly prefer factory-manufactured steak and bacon, if it was indistinguishable in every way from that obtained by killing cattle and pigs.
[Update a while later]
This seems related, somehow: Vegan “pork” rinds.
I disagree with this, though:
Apparently, the gourmands have discovered pork rinds. Yes, the deep-fried, not at all good for you, salt-laden, very high fat, treat found rarely if ever outside the US South or (as chicharones) where there is a sizeable Mexican consumer pool.
They’re actually quite keto, because low carb (close to zero). There’s nothing wrong with high fat, as long as it’s not seed oils.
It’s not much of an improvement on National Brotherhood Week, but everyone still hates the Jooz. And so the saga continues. It won’t end well.
An interview about our future in space with Jeff Bezos.
He doesn’t really say anything that I haven’t been preaching for literally decades, but it’s nice to see that (finally) someone with money gets it.
A frightening dispatch from the educational apocalypse. One note, though.
Amidst all the imbecilic angst over the "sexual assault" by the sailor on the nurse, it's worth noting that they weren't celebrating the defeat of the Nazis — that had happened three months earlier. They were celebrating the end of the war, with the defeat of Japan.
— Rand Simberg (@Rand_Simberg) February 23, 2019