Glenn Reynolds reviews Bob Zubrin’s new book. I haven’t read it yet.
[Afternoon update]
Leonard David has a new space book out, too. I should be getting review copies of both soon.
Glenn Reynolds reviews Bob Zubrin’s new book. I haven’t read it yet.
[Afternoon update]
Leonard David has a new space book out, too. I should be getting review copies of both soon.
How to talk to them about capitalism.
Our (mal)educational system is a large part of the problem.
Commemorating the tens of millions killed, and the many more lives blighted, should be the only way to observe May Day. As Glenn says, communists should get just as much societal opprobrium as Nazis.
It’s bad, and you should feel bad.
Capitalism has found a way to work with human nature.
Socialism, on the other hand, can be implemented only by denying it, despite the fact that human nature unfortunately finds itself attracted to the concept.
Well, this is refreshing. Maybe she should think about switching parties, though; she seems out of touch with the base.
Some instruction for millennials, from Bastiat.
[Update a couple minutes later]
Milan Kundera on historical amnesia.
[Afternoon update]
Socialism: The delusional fantasy that always ends in a nightmare.
An interesting disquisition on the ethics of saving others.
It’s not consistent with the scientific method. I agree.