…to all of my Christian readers.
[Update late morning]
Assuming it happened, was the Resurrection the most important event in history?
…to all of my Christian readers.
[Update late morning]
Assuming it happened, was the Resurrection the most important event in history?
Thoughts from Eugene Volokh.
Our biggest problem continues to be a paucity of information. The old saying is that knowledge is power, and right now, we’re still pretty powerless in that regard.
[Update a while later]
Pandemics come and go, but medical masks are eternal.
How the pandemic will change our views of them.
More from Allison Duettmann, who is co-writing what looks to be an interesting new book with Mark Miller (who I haven’t seen in years).
If you have the time, the next in the playlist is a salon with her and Aubrey De Grey on the value of life extension, but it’s a little over an hour. Foresight has put a lot of videos on line recently from its Vision Weekend last year.
I thought I’d posted this, but we’ve lost a giant of math, physics, philosophy and space. Condolences to Esther and the rest of the family. I just saw her at the space transportation conference a few weeks ago.
From over two decades ago, here’s an interview of him by Stewart Brand.
Lots of comments over at Instapundit.
I was introduced to Allison a couple years ago, but only briefly. I really only got to know her a few days ago, at a Foresight event on lunar governance. I hadn’t realized that she was so interested in space.
Anyway, she is a brilliant and very charismatic young woman, as this video demonstrates.
Our western self hatred.
This is the first time I’d heard of this guy.
Not a new topic, but a new take on it. You wouldn’t get me on one of those things.
Last time I was in DC, a couple weeks ago, I tried to have lunch with Iain Murray, but it turned out that he wasn’t downtown, but was at home writing a forthcoming book.
It seems a little spendy, though, if you want to get young people to read it (which should be the goal). Maybe they’ll also have an ebook.
[Update a while later]
If you click here, you’ll tell the publisher that you’d like to see a Kindle edition.