More from Allison Duettmann, who is co-writing what looks to be an interesting new book with Mark Miller (who I haven’t seen in years).
If you have the time, the next in the playlist is a salon with her and Aubrey De Grey on the value of life extension, but it’s a little over an hour. Foresight has put a lot of videos on line recently from its Vision Weekend last year.
I thought I’d posted this, but we’ve lost a giant of math, physics, philosophy and space. Condolences to Esther and the rest of the family. I just saw her at the space transportation conference a few weeks ago.
I was introduced to Allison a couple years ago, but only briefly. I really only got to know her a few days ago, at a Foresight event on lunar governance. I hadn’t realized that she was so interested in space.
Anyway, she is a brilliant and very charismatic young woman, as this video demonstrates.
Last time I was in DC, a couple weeks ago, I tried to have lunch with Iain Murray, but it turned out that he wasn’t downtown, but was at home writing a forthcoming book.
It seems a little spendy, though, if you want to get young people to read it (which should be the goal). Maybe they’ll also have an ebook.
[Update a while later]
If you click here, you’ll tell the publisher that you’d like to see a Kindle edition.
At the Space Settlement Summit a few weeks ago, I pointed out that there are some people who will oppose space settlement not because of the cost, but because they think that humanity is an infestation that must not be allowed to spread beyond the planet of its birth. Here’s a good example (for anyone who was a fan of Momoa before).