These recommendations are far too non-quantitative for me to have any idea what to make of them.
Category Archives: Media Criticism
What Is Hamas Hiding In Rafah?
…and why doesn’t the Biden administration want the IDF to find it?
The Tape Must Be Really Really Bad
BREAKING: Attorney General Merrick Garland has classified at the highest level the audio tapes of Biden's embarrassingly incoherent interview with Special Counsel Hur over two days, and has locked the tapes away in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, or SCIF
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) June 2, 2024
No, there’s nothing noble about them, and in fact they are doing a lot of evil.
[Friday-morning update]
The Non-Profit Industrial Complex and the corruption of the American city.
And Jeffrey Carter says it’s time to blow it up.
“Unlawful Means”
…and jury instructions.
This court would be an embarrassment to kangaroos.
[Late-afternoon update]
Well, we knew the fix was in.
As I just noted on X, “I am not now, and have never been a fan of Donald Trump. But in this lawless travesty of a “trial,” the Democrats just guaranteed he’ll get my vote.
I should add that, as a WY voter, I probably would have sat it out, but now I’ll vote for Trump just to boost his popular vote, since these felons against the Republic seem to make such a big deal about that.”
And in fact the kangaroos are upset.
[Friday-morning update]
John Hinderaker compares Trump’s trial to mine.
I think that Texas should charge Mayorkas and Biden with aiding and abetting child and drug trafficking.
[Update a while later]
These corrupt anal orifices probably just handed Trump the election.
[Update a while more later]
Welcome to Venezuelamerica.
The Bureaucracy
SCOTUS may finally shrink it.
From Abbey Gate To Gaza
The failure will continue until there is accountability.
Unfortunately, there will be no opportunity for accountability until November.
Memorial Day
It’s a time for recollection, not celebration.
Like the 4th of July, too many of our holidays have lost their meaning, becoming just an excuse for partying and a three-day weekend. When you grill your meat, think of those who lost so many holidays so that you could have yours.
[Update a few minutes later]
My Decision To Leave Academia
I suspect a lot of people are feeling this way. Which, of course, just means that the problem will get worse, until the system finally implodes.
The “Impossible” Burger
A description of its nightmare ingredients.
I have zero motivation to eat that crap.