Category Archives: Media Criticism

The Fauci Covid Conspiracy

Jim Meigs describes the sordid history:

…our public health officials, abetted by a politicized media, manufactured an airtight consensus on both Covid science and policy. This consensus was largely immune to scientific evidence or concerns about the real-world impacts of draconian policies.

But not everyone joined the lockstep march on Covid. Stanford University’s Jay Bhattacharya, along with two other public health experts, issued the Great Barrington Declaration. It sensibly argued that the social costs of extended lockdowns far exceeded their mostly hypothetical benefits. The Great Barrington argument was derided in the press and secretly censored on social media at the behest of government officials.

And no one has been held accountable, even at the polls. At a minimum, Fauci should be indicted for perjury to Congress, though that’s hardly the worst of his sins. But nothing will happen to him until we get an Attorney General who cares about the law and the Constitution.

J. D. Vance

An interesting interview by Ross Douthat. I do think it provides useful insight into Trump.

[Update Monday afternoon]

Here is the Brit Hum post where I found the link, that allowed me to read the interview:
