Category Archives: Media Criticism

Debate Advice For Trump

Let Biden be Biden.

[Friday update, back from Sedona]

Well, Biden was Biden. And even the media can’t cover for him any more.

I should add that I had no problem with Trump not responding to the questions on the two-state solution, or how he was going to deport millions. These “debates” are never debates, and always a joke in that regard. And I wish I could be one of Biden’s many trillionaires. It’s kind of hilarious the way he can’t distinguish between thousands, millions, billions, and trillions. Like most of the idiots who voted for him.


[Update a while later]

They knew.

This election should be a blowout, regardless of whether they replace him or not. I think that at long last, we the people are tired of being lied to by these “elite” anal orifices.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Trump indicted for murdering an elderly man on CNN.