Category Archives: Media Criticism

My Current Travails

I missed my 7AM flight to LA from Vegas this morning, because I’m a dumbass, and went to the wrong concourse, and by the time I figured it out, it was too late to get to the right one (Note to self: in the future, look at your boarding pass). They put me on standby for the next flight that was scheduled for 1130 (and all flights are 100% full, because they’re still trying to recover from the CRWD update that had the same effect as a cyberattack). At 10, they rescheduled the flight for 1936. So I’ve now been here for ten hours, with a couple to go before I board. If I board. If not, I’ll go back to the hotel I’ve been staying and try for the 7AM flight tomorrow that I missed today.

So how’s your day going? Besides Biden ending his campaign. Or someone writing a letter ostensibly from him saying that he’s ending his campaign, without really explaining why. I wonder if he knows that he’s ending his campaign? Anyway, as Joe would say, anyway.

Thoughts from Mark Steyn.

[Monday-evening update]

Sorry for the lack of update. Yes, I caught a (slightly) earlier flight and got home last night.


Anthony Fauci

Jim Meigs reviews his book:

Anthony Fauci, whose early career did so much to improve human health, leaves behind a tainted legacy. He and his colleagues abused their authority, overreached on lockdowns and vaccine policies, and dissembled about dangerous research that his agency funded. The populist backlash to these excesses is still building. The public’s growing distrust of medical experts—and new skepticism toward all vaccines—is a public-health timebomb.

It is tempting to attribute Fauci’s late-career lapses to some personal moral deficiency. I think that’s the wrong tack. Fauci’s ethical shortcomings weren’t personal so much as institutional; he had been given enormous authority while being almost completely insulated from political oversight. Even the president could not easily fire him. And his centralized control over massive research budgets meant that few scientists were willing to challenge his claims or policies.

Over the decades, Fauci came to see himself as infallible. He represented “science.” Instead of welcoming contrary views, as he did during the AIDS years, the older, more thin-skinned (and more institutionally entrenched) Fauci resented criticism and tried to silence dissent. If not for the persistent pushback from a few bold scientists, journalists, and lawmakers, he might have succeeded in shutting down crucial debates entirely. No federal official should have so much power, with so little accountability, for so long.

Few people have the probity to withstand the temptations of that kind of power.

I Wish That This Was Implausible

At the very least, it’s beyond incompetence, to the point at which it at least appears to be malicious.

[Wednesday-morning update]

It is now an article at The Federalist.

We need something like a Warren Commission to investigate this. Not sure who today’s equivalent of Earl Warren would be, though.

[Late-morning update]

I’m kind of where he is, given the current state of knowledge. Somewhere between 2 and 3.

Thoughts On Ballistics

…and our decrepit institutions:

We don’t know much this Monday AM. Some of what we think we know will in time prove incorrect. We will find out more details in the days and weeks to come – but what is clear is this; we have too many people in this nation who are OK with political violence – including that which digs a bloody trench from Eugene Simpson Stadium Park to the Butler Farms Show Grounds.

We also know that we have – again – evidence that we have the wrong people with the wrong ideas running institutions they are unqualified to lead and that our nation cannot afford such a lack of effective stewardship of our inheritance.

The number of unserious people in critical jobs, and no one being accountable for failures of epic proportions, is – to repeat myself for emphasis – a national disgrace and crisis.

It’s been deteriorating for a long time, under both Democrats and Republicans, but it’s reached new lows in recent years.

[Update a while later]

A compromised Secret Service.

No matter how much training or experience she has (and these people didn’t seem particularly competent), it’s stupid to think that a 5’3″ woman can shield a 6’3″ man.

[Late-morning update]

The Trump Assassination Attempt

This will have the same effect that the attempt on Reagan’s life did in 1981: Unite much of the country in his favor.

[Late-night update]

A white-hot anger on this July 13th. And Bill Ackman finally metaphorically plights his troth to Trump.

[Sunday-morning update]

I agree with the last point, but as Trump pointed out in the debate, Biden never fires anybody. Maybe because he’s never really been in charge. If Mayorkas refused the request to provide addition resources to the Secret Service to protect Trump, and he keeps his job, he should be impeached. Again.

[Afternoon update]

Jeffrey Carter wades into the fray.


[Monday-morning update]

Mark Steyn: What they wanted.


Trump, Biden, and the shame of the corporate media.

Honestly, they seem to have no shame.

[Update a few minutes later]

Who’s the real threat to democracy?

Hint: It’s not Donald Trump.