As Ellie says on X, the comments on her latest video about Starliner are savage against Boeing. Has to be tough for morale to be an employee there right now.
Category Archives: Media Criticism
“A Good Man”
The BS about Biden is thoroughly deconstructed.
[Wednesday-morning update]
Now they take on the BS about Biden’s “accomplishments.”
He’s been a disaster.
[Thursday-morning update]
John Podhoretz makes the case for schadenfreude. It’s pretty compelling. This couldn’t happen to a more awful political party, at least in this country.
[Bumped again]
[Update a few minutes later]
This is hilarious. As Gutfeld said yesterday, it’s like the Biden family is holding the Democrats hostage, and the media is negotiating. “He wants an In’n’Out! He wants to talk to his daughter. He’ll only talk to Clooney.”
[Noon update]
Fusion Energy
Are we ready for the problems it could cause?
Oh, please.
Yet another study on its supposed benefits.
They lose me right off the bat when they compare it to the “benefits” of the Mediterranean diet. I don’t think there is any value at all in restricting red meat and fat intake.
Anyway, I suspect that even if the correlation is causation, it’s not clear that it will work for everyone. If coffee has no discernible effect on me (which it doesn’t) other than making me brush my teeth more to get rid of the foul aftertaste, then it seems unlikely that I will derive any health benefits from choking the swill down.
Biden Has A Weak Hand
Some game theory from Nate Silver.
I’m not sure why he doesn’t mention what to me is an obvious way to force Biden out. All they have to do is say that they’re going to “realize” that there actually is a lot of evidence of family corruption, and it would be very sad if they were to start to agree with the Republicans about it, but what are you going to do? Does Nate not discuss this because he really believes it doesn’t exist, or because he doesn’t want to give it credence himself?
Now They’re Coming For Our Food
Richard Fernandez describes the latest green disaster.
They are utterly ignorant of nutrition.
Just In Time For The Election
Looks a lot like we’ll be in a recession before November.
People are tapped out on their credit cards.
The Courtier Game
A partial explanation of what’s going on in the White House, from Arnold Kling.
No Remedy For Censorship
The perils of Murthy.
The Democrats
…have gone full Soviet.
Pretty sure, though, that this is a typo: “…the Neo-Bolsheviks, with or without General Secretary Joe, of America’s USSR party will surrender. They will scorch the earth from sea to shining sea if that’s what it takes.”
That first sentence is pretty clearly missing a “not.”