Category Archives: Media Criticism

Nicole Shanahan

…has finally wised up to just how evil her (now former) political party is.

Explaining Russia And Ukraine

This is a little more crude than probably necessary, but it’s pretty much correct.

[Update a while later]

[Update a few minutes later]

Four key Russian railway junctions. It’s a huge vulnerability, and likely part of Ukraine’s plans.

Is Kamala Drunk?

It’s not an unreasonable question.

[Update a few minutes later]

How to tell Kamala isn’t polling well.

[Update mid morning]

[Late-morning update]

Still Walking Away

Brandon Straka, six years later:

CommieLa’s Economic Plan

How it will go:

[Sunday-morning update]

Harris’s Kamunist agenda faces a harsh reality.

She’s a red-diaper baby who learned “economics” at her Marxist father’s knee.