I wish Hiawatha Bray all the best in this endeavor, and not just because I think that he would really be a better person for the job, but I’m afraid that he doesn’t know how far gone his profession is.
Category Archives: Media Criticism
Well Deserved
Congratulations to Claudia Rossett. In a just world she’d win a Pulitzer, but I guess that’s reserved for the Walter Durantys of the world.
It’s too bad that more journalists don’t go after stories like this, but I guess massive corruption at the UN so that a brutal tyrant can continue to starve children and bribe countries to keep him in power isn’t as important as Tom Delay’s travel expenses, or Hootie Johnson’s golf memberships.
Maybe They’re Right
Joe Katzman says that the media is right–Iraq is another Vietnam. Just not in the way they think it is.
Maybe They’re Right
Joe Katzman says that the media is right–Iraq is another Vietnam. Just not in the way they think it is.
Maybe They’re Right
Joe Katzman says that the media is right–Iraq is another Vietnam. Just not in the way they think it is.
Charlie Gibson is surprised to hear that Iraqis (you know, the folks that the so-called “insurgents” have been murdering by the droves?) are not Zarquawi fans.
On Wednesday’s World News Tonight, after Brian Ross noted that “some Arabs” on a “popular Web site said they hoped the news was true” about the serious injury to terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, with messages such as, “Let this criminal Zarqawi go to Hell,” Gibson turned to reporter Nick Watt in Baghdad and expressed shock, “I’m surprised by something in Brian’s piece: The vehemence of the comments on Arab Web sites in opposition to Zarqawi, because we keep hearing that he has considerable support.” Watt confirmed that “many” Iraqis “will be very glad if he does die.”
There are some things so stupid that only a liberal television commentator can believe them.
Joe Wilson Lied, Reason’s Credibility…
Well, didn’t die, but it’s tarnished a little, in my opinion. Whoever put together “Quick Hits” for Reason today isn’t very well informed on the Plame/Wilson leak case:
Has the Valerie Plame case morphed into a perjury or obstruction of justice case involving a high-ranking Bush administration official? The circumstances suggest it has.
It then cites this tendentious pile of myths by John Dean (gee, there’s someone with no axes to grind…), which breathlessly cites Wilson’s book about the evils of the Bush administration, and can’t wait for it to come out in paperback. Problem is, of course, that Wilson has been demonstrated to be a notable liar, on this and other subjects, and few people other than rabid anti-Bush partisans still seriously believe that this was an intentional outing of an agent, or “intimidation” by the Bush administration. I doubt if the judge in question believes it either.
Joe Wilson Lied, Reason’s Credibility…
Well, didn’t die, but it’s tarnished a little, in my opinion. Whoever put together “Quick Hits” for Reason today isn’t very well informed on the Plame/Wilson leak case:
Has the Valerie Plame case morphed into a perjury or obstruction of justice case involving a high-ranking Bush administration official? The circumstances suggest it has.
It then cites this tendentious pile of myths by John Dean (gee, there’s someone with no axes to grind…), which breathlessly cites Wilson’s book about the evils of the Bush administration, and can’t wait for it to come out in paperback. Problem is, of course, that Wilson has been demonstrated to be a notable liar, on this and other subjects, and few people other than rabid anti-Bush partisans still seriously believe that this was an intentional outing of an agent, or “intimidation” by the Bush administration. I doubt if the judge in question believes it either.
Joe Wilson Lied, Reason’s Credibility…
Well, didn’t die, but it’s tarnished a little, in my opinion. Whoever put together “Quick Hits” for Reason today isn’t very well informed on the Plame/Wilson leak case:
Has the Valerie Plame case morphed into a perjury or obstruction of justice case involving a high-ranking Bush administration official? The circumstances suggest it has.
It then cites this tendentious pile of myths by John Dean (gee, there’s someone with no axes to grind…), which breathlessly cites Wilson’s book about the evils of the Bush administration, and can’t wait for it to come out in paperback. Problem is, of course, that Wilson has been demonstrated to be a notable liar, on this and other subjects, and few people other than rabid anti-Bush partisans still seriously believe that this was an intentional outing of an agent, or “intimidation” by the Bush administration. I doubt if the judge in question believes it either.
More Slandering Of The Troops
We have another Eason Jordan incident. As Bryan Preston notes, the press should be even more sensitive to such charges in light of the recent Newsweek fiasco, but they seem to remain clueless.