Category Archives: Media Criticism

An Amazing Thing

This ought to be framed, or perhaps displayed in a museum. It’s a (truly, perhaps in the best sense of the word) liberal reporter who actually seems to live up to the (usually absurd) claim that his politics don’t affect his reporting. He actually saw something wrong with the Al Franken gang diverting funds from poor children to their failed escapade. Can you imagine?

And his band of brothers in the press attempted to steal the story from him:

Last week Executive Editor Michael Horowitz called in to conservative radio host Sean Hannity

Just Stab Them, Dammit!

I’ve kvetched in the past about needlessly stupid things in science-fiction movies (needlessly in that they don’t even advance the plot, or necessarily add to the drama). Well, here’s someone who thinks the same thing about cinematic swordplay.

If the purpose of lightsaber fight choreography is simply to convey drama and excitement within the context of a story, then choreographers feel they’ve done their job well. But, from my point of view, if a lightsaber fight is supposed to convince the viewer that individuals of great skill are really trying to kill one another with laser swords while using supernatural powers that heighten their senses and physical abilities, well, they fail miserably.

[via Geek Press]

Rough Week

I’ve been at meetings at NASA HQ all day (sorry, nothing particularly exciting) and I’m about to fly back to Florida for about ten hours, after which I fly to California for the afternoon, then to St. Louis for a weekend family wedding, leaving on Friday morning. Blogging is unlikely for a while…

I will leave you with this irritating vignette from the White House Press Corps, offered by Jeff Foust:

Q And how is the Mars program going?

MR. McCLELLAN: NASA can probably update you on the effort. Again, this is a long-term program, and you can sit there and smirk about it, but the President felt it was important — (laughter) — the President felt it was important to outline a clearly defined mission for NASA. And we’re all excited about today’s launch and we wish the —

Q Will he be speaking about it —

MR. McCLELLAN: Hang on — we wish the crew all the best.

Q Will he be speaking about it —

MR. McCLELLAN: NASA is working on implementing it, John. Thanks for starting out the briefing on such — (laughter.)

Wasn’t that a knee slapper?

That dumb Bush and his fantasy mission to Mars. Yuk, yuk…

McClellan didn’t handle this well. The response to the first question should have been: “To which Mars program are you referring?” (Thus offering the reporter an opportunity to be more expansive on his profound ignorance about national space policy).

After he did so, saying something like, “You know, the president’s plan to send people to Mars decades from now,” the response would be: “Well, John, how much progress would you expect this year on something that’s not going to happen for decades? Do you imagine that that’s the sum total of American space policy? Or haven’t you been paying attention? Are you opposed to the nation having a long-term vision for space exploration?”

Yeah, I know that his job is to answer questions, not ask them, but still.

What’s really annoying about this is that on one of the few times the daily White House briefing leads off with space policy questions (due obviously to yesterday’s successful launch) there can’t be an intelligent discussion about it.

Media Bias

It was quite amusing tonight to watch “Fox News Watch,” a show supposedly based on analysis of media performance, and to see the two libs on the panel, Neil Gabler and Jane Hall, dissing Judy Miller, as apparently the traitor to the cause. I was a little disappointed that one of the two supposedly “conservative” panelists (Cal Thomas or Jim Pinkerton) didn’t call them on it, and ask them directly who they thought she was protecting, because it’s clear to me that they’re deluding themselves that she’s protecting Karl Rove.

Didn’t He Actually Read The Story?

Check out the subheadline in this story:

Action may mark end of 5-month truce

One would think that there had been no hostilities whatsoever prior to this attack, that it was just those bloodthirsty Jews ending the truce by lobbing rockets at innocent Palestinians. You know, just restarting that ol’ cycle of violence?

But the article itself says:

The military wing of Hamas, known formally as the Islamic Resistance Movement, has fired more than 100 mortar shells and rockets into Israel and Jewish settlements in Gaza in recent days, one of which killed a 22-year-old Israeli woman Thursday.

I just can’t imagine how the mind of a copy editor works who could come up with such a headline.