Category Archives: Media Criticism

Too Many Cameras

And not enough words. Virginia makes a point that I was vaguely feeling on election day about PJM coverage:

Personally, I hated the PJM election coverage, because I don’t want to have to watch video online. I want to read, and PJM offered way too little written material. But with the right technology, video is much easier to provide–especially if you don’t care about shaky-cam production.

I want to read, too. Given a choice between watching a video (or even listening to audio) of people saying stuff, and reading a transcript, give me the transcript every time, unless there’s some particular reason to want to parse tone/expression, etc.

Save the video for things that need video (rocket launches, explosions, bikini contests, etc.) and give me text for more straightforward information.

I don’t take in and retain information that well through my ears. I always preferred to read the textbook to listening to a professor lecture. The baud rate is just too low. Similarly, whenever (say) Glenn links to something that looks (sounds?) interesting, and it turns out to be a podcast or video, there’s always this resistance to click, or wait for the words to dribble out, whereas if it’s to text, I eagerly read it. I don’t have time to listen to someone tell me something when I can read it much faster.

I hope that as voice recognition gets better, we’ll get more and better instant transcripts of talking-head stuff.

Anti-Krugman 1

Paul Krugman brought some great analysis of economics, the dismal science, to the New York Times Op-Ed page, but has consistently beat the drum in recent years for being dismal about every Bush decision and inaction. I am going to start an anti-Krugman column to take apart each criticism. These antibodies might allow us to have a debate that would allow both less reactive talking points for Democrats and more constructive criticism for the Administration.

The Krugman column is behind the Times Select wall. The cheapest way to pierce this wall is to order home delivery of the Times and go on regular three-month vacations.

Today’s Krugman column has the title “King of Pain”.

Continue reading Anti-Krugman 1

Housing Prices: Chicken Little vs. Pollyanna

Chicken Little
“The sky is falling”

“what a perfectly lovely, lovely house! How awfully glad you must be you’re so rich!”

  • No capital gains taxes
  • Thick mortgage backed securities market
  • Fewer new buyers chasing money
  • Falling real estate commissions
  • Rising incomes
  • Changing commuting patterns
  • “breathtaking profit”
  • Active Federal Reserve Board
  • Industry sensitive to interest rates
  • Rising population
  • Middle income wages rising in money terms
  • Median age rising
  • Family size falling
  • Rise in ownership of 2nd homes
  • Rise in telecommuting
  • Home entertainment such as video games eclipsing movies
  • Capitalization and standardization of home building industry (e.g. Toll Brothers)

A moderation in an accellerator suggests just a slow-down in the rate of growth of housing prices to me, but don’t listen to me–I just cashed out a 40% capital gain in my last house tax free and locked in a super low rate from a private equity mortgage lender and didn’t use a real estate agent to buy and used a cut commission agent to sell. Clearly I’m a Pollyanna.


Katie Couric has a blog:

Add to that my first piece on 60 Minutes on the illnesses that thousands of first responders are experiencing five years after September 11th. To be a part of that broadcast was needless to say, an enormous thrill. My father called me afterwards and said,