Is the mainstream media like the World Wrestling Federation?
Category Archives: Media Criticism
Does John Kerry have any idea how pathetic and stupid he sounds trying to paint Sarah Palin as another Dick Cheney? Apparently not.
How epic is the fail, on so many levels, of such a comparison? Of course, it also assumes that if he can get people to make such an association, that it’s politically helpful to him. This kind of idiotic projection of their own derangement and hatred on the American public is one of the reasons that the Dems haven’t been able to get a majority of the popular vote in over thirty years.
Hilarious. I just wish that Stephanopolous had asked him to elaborate.
Bonnie And Clyde?
Over at MSNBC. Actually it’s more like Bonnie and Clod.
Who Started The War?
The one in Georgia. Michael Totten reports an interesting press briefing.
And apparently, some people aren’t very happy about his reporting.
Just When You Think
…that the LA Times can’t get any worse. Or funnier.
I have to say that I particularly enjoyed the comment by “Dick Stroker.” I’m sure he’s just a naif.
Speaking of LA, I’m flying out there tomorrow for almost two weeks. Blogging may be lightened somewhat–I’m supposed to be working. Or so the folks who are paying me tell me.
[Monday afternoon update]
Arrived safely, with luggage, even with a change in Dallas.
Unfortunately, just as I leave, it looks like Patricia is home alone to shutter up for Gustav next weekend.
I’ll Get Right On It
Florida is apparently a haven for ambulance chasers, because there are always a lot of ads on television by lawyers trolling for victims (though now that I think about it, this may have been a national one, because it was on Fox News, which I get via satellite). I just heard one for some kind of medication that said, “If you or your loved one died after taking this stuff, call us right now.”
OK, so if I died, what am I, supposed to channel John Edwards?
Buyer’s Remorse
Victor Davis Hanson previews what’s sure to burst forth among many in Denver next week:
Democrats wanted a bison and got Obambi, whose new ‘take no prisoners’ rhetoric in front of the VFW sounds like the Italian army in North Africa not the Desert Rats. Just imagine had Obama written “Dreams From My Grandmother” about a working-class white woman who moved to Hawaii sacrificing her all, stressing integration, conciliation, character, and hard work (all true), rather than future career-in-mind idealization and myth-making about a polygamist, alcoholic and absentee Marxist father? Had he done the former, he would have gotten a small advance, few sales–and now bankable proof of his character, rather than money, sales–and an embarrassing revelation of his PC credentials. Harvard Law Review is as essential to wowing a tiny irrelevant Eastern elite as it is meaningless to proving to mid-America that you can easily size up a thug like Putin, see through Euro-trash nonsense, or get some energy leverage back from the mullahs and House of Saud.
The Democrats expected an in-the-tank liberal press to publish charts and graphs of how the “progressive” FDR Obama was better for the blue-collar-worker than the Tom Dewey Republican. Instead they got the last gasp of the 1960s spoiled-brat loudmouths, ranting and frothing how an Obama could at last reify their own narcissistic, guilt-ridden pretensions. The amen-stable at Newsweek, for example, would not have been hired there as copy-editors in the 1960s. If Chris Matthews thinks his tingle up the leg giddiness helps Obama, or Sen. Obama’s race speech is the new Gettysburg Address, he doesn’t know Bakersfield or Dayton. A Keith Olbermann rant is a veritable McCain campaign ad.
Cover Up
What is the University of Illinois trying to hide?
Has there ever been a presidential candidate with such a sparse paper trail? And as usual, the media assists in the cover up.
[Update in the afternoon]
Here’s a lot more.
[Late afternoon update]
Fishier and fishier. To repeat: what are they hiding? What are they afraid of?
It’s That Time Of The Week Again
Lileks takes on Keillor. Again.
Every column now ends with on-marching truth. But what’s this thing about the rich and privileged saying it’s not a great country? I hear more distaste and dismay about America from one Senator than the other; I hear more disdain from cosseted movie stars than I hear from ordinary folk; I hear more grumpy, costive old burbling about the dark hole into which America has fallen from a rich and privileged Old Scout than I hear from, say, middle-class bloggers who get 40 hits a day but happen to love the actual country we have as opposed to the theoretical variant which Keillor believes is right around the corner. Next week: an attack, probably, on the smug, self-righteous rich and privileged, who think America’s just great. At least we know how that one will end: truth, marching, et cetera.
I think that Keillor has attained that unblessed state that no one dare edit him. Thankfully, we have Lileks.
Ignorance Of America
Frequent commenter “Fletcher Christian” is a poster child for this phenomenon. And as one of the commenters at Glenn’s post notes, the BBC is largely responsible.