Some amazing gears.
[Via Geek Press]
Some amazing gears.
[Via Geek Press]
An interesting discussion of our ability to impose patterns on randomness.
Math wins.
I think that Warren Buffett was very foolish to outsource his philanthropy to Gates.
And yes, as long as you’re asking, I do in fact think that I’d be spending the money a lot smarter, and doing a lot more good with it, than the Bill and Melinda Foundation.
I see articles like this, and can only shake my head in dismay and amazement.
Dewey’s project is complete. The entire public school system has to be razed and rebuilt from scratch.
And now for something completely different — an estimate of how fast the signal of the Beacon of Gondor propagated:
After the first signal is on fire, Gandalf sees the next signal only 6 seconds later. WHAT? The guys (or gals) at the next station must have just been sitting there staring and waiting for a signal. Oh, it was probably like 40 years since the last time it was used. I guess you can do stuff like that if you don’t have youtube. But wait, the more I think about this, the more upset I get. I am ok with invisible rings, flying dragons, glowing swords and stuff. However, it is beyond the bounds of reason to expect me to believe that some guys are sitting way on the other mountain with a hair-triggered lighting mechanism. Six seconds. Seriously.
[Via Geekpress]
OK, not that it’s anything new, but Superman would seem to be defying him some physics here. You know, that basic Newton’s law thing?
RIP. I hadn’t realized that he’d retired so long ago.
[Update a few minutes later]
Some personal memories from John Derbyshire.
I was doing a little research on the mess, and wanted to get some data on the Gulf. According to the EPA, it has a volume of 642 trillion gallons. This seems off by three orders of magnitude to me (that is, I think that its 642 quadrillion gallons — 1015th, not 1012th — which is what a trillion would be).
My calculation is based on the stated area of 600,000 square miles (which seems reasonable to me), and average depth of 1600 meters (why do they have to mix their units?), which is about 5100 feet. Multiply the square miles by 5280 squared, and you get about 17 trillion square feet. So the volume has to be three orders of magnitude more than that, and it’s another order of magnitude (7.5 gallons per square foot) when you convert to gallons.
Am I off, or are they?
Yeah, I want these people to be in charge of regulating carbon emissions (including, no doubt, my exhalations).
[Update late afternoon]
Why do I care, you ask? Because people are saying that with the new estimate of the leak rate, this is the equivalent of “n” Exxon Valdezes per week, where n varies with the commentator. But the Gulf isn’t Prince William Sound. Based on the number of 11,000 square miles affected in Alaska, and an average depth of a thousand feet (generous, I think — the deepest point in sound is 2000, and most of it is a lot less, even when you get out around the Kenai Peninsula), I get a ratio of volumes of on the order of 300, so we’d need a lot of Exxon Valdezes to make it comparable to that disaster. I don’t know whether the warmer temps of the Gulf make things better, or worse, though.
The unattainable goal. An interesting look at the mathematics of various election schemes.
…and Malthusian hells. Some interesting stuff from Rob Bailey.