What did socialists use to light their homes before candles? Electricity.
[Late-morning update]
California is approaching Puerto Rico territory.
Speaking of which…
He's subtle, but one would get from this thread the impression that Mike doesn't have a high opinion of either Jerry Brown or Gavin Newsom. OK, so they have a legacy of filth, fire, poverty and tragedy. No one's perfect. https://t.co/RT2rjpVlAr
Naïvely, we might hope that by making incremental improvements to the “realism” of a model (more accurate representations, greater details of processes, finer spatial or temporal resolution, etc.) we would also see incremental improvement in the outputs. Regarding the realism of short-term trajectories, this may well be true. It is not expected to be true in terms of probability forecasts. The nonlinear compound effects of any given small tweak to the model structure are so great that calibration becomes a very computationally-intensive task and the marginal performance benefits of additional subroutines or processes may be zero or even negative. In plainer terms, adding detail to the model can make it less accurate, less useful. [Emphasis added]
Computer models can be useful in some circumstances, but they are not science.
Yes, the maleducational system, from K through grad school, is the biggest danger to the Republic. It’s been almost forty years since that report that said that if a foreign nation had imposed it on us, it would be considered an act of war. It’s only gotten worse.