Category Archives: Mathematics

Testing Efficiency

This is the way to do it.

As the thread points out, you could just do one test per household, on the assumption that if one is infected, all are or will be. Hope the CDC/White House are aware of this thinking, because it makes a hell of a lot of sense to accelerate our knowledge of the scope.

[Early-afternoon update]

Turns out there’s a rapid-test device already available in hospitals.

Data And Numbers

Where are we really with the virus?

Note that (as is often the case with healthcare statistics) different countries are keeping books differently, making it difficult to compare. I continue to believe that the fatality rate will ultimately end up being far below one percent.

[Update early afternoon]

A lot of links from Instapundit. Things are looking better than the models. One I found of interest is that if we can believe Chinese data, four out of five cases are asymptomatic.

Free-Market Health Care

How would it respond to the virus?

It’s been many decades since there’s been anything resembling a free market in this country’s health care, other than things like Lasik.

[Update a few minutes later]

Speaking of (lack of) free markets, restaurants in Los Angeles are being shut down for selling groceries without a license.

Government seems determined to put business out of business.

The California Herd

Virus thoughts from VDH. I don’t buy the 1-2% number. I think it will ultimately be shown to be much lower than that.

[Update a few minutes later]

More from VDH: Viral Prerequisites and Nationalist Lessons in Time of Plague.

[Update late morning]

Why herd immunity is not a solution, at least not without a vaccine.

I agree on principle, but I continue to believe that the ratio of infections to deaths is much less than one percent.

[Update a few minutes later]

Time for a second opinion.


continues the cover up.

The CCP has been lying from the beginning, and continues to, yet their media organs the NYT, WaPo, CNN et al continue to carry their water, because Orange Man Bad.

Mark Levin said on his show last night that the Soviet Union never damaged our country (and the world) the way that the CCP has. I’m not sure that’s true, if you look at the decades-long damage it did, but it certainly never killed people and destroyed wealth this quickly.

[Tuesday-morning update]

The Chinese Communist Party versus America.


[Update a few minutes later]

Why China must be held accountable.

I’d start by recognizing Taiwan.

[Update a while later]

How China’s lies brought the world to its knees.