Category Archives: Law

The Stanford Internet Observatory

Good riddance.

A recent House Judiciary Committee report alleges that, by cooperating with the Department of Homeland Security, the SIO’s Election Integrity Partnership “provided a way for the federal government to launder its censorship activities in hopes of bypassing both the First Amendment and public scrutiny.”

Of course it did.

J. D. Vance

An interesting interview by Ross Douthat. I do think it provides useful insight into Trump.

[Update Monday afternoon]

Here is the Brit Hum post where I found the link, that allowed me to read the interview:


Admiral McRaven To The American People

“There are countries that do not tolerate speech critical of the government and its institutions. There are countries where citizens who publicly disagree with the actions of the government and its institutions are condemned as disloyal citizens, investigated and tried. There are countries where people with political views that differ from those of the governing authorities are subject to governmental abuse and ruin just because of their political opinions. We have a name for these countries. They are totalitarian.