Yes, I think that this is why the Republican senators in Georgia will probably hold their seats today. As he says, gridlock is the next best thing to actually having a constitutional government.
Category Archives: Law
Accepting The Electoral College
…or not.
The hypocrisy of the Democrats on this issue has (as usual) been incandescent.
[Update Monday afternoon]
Treason is a matter of dates.
The Final Smuggling Frontier
A brief history of space contraband.
The totalitarian state.
If it seceded, we’d be out of here ASAP, because the Constitution is the only thing holding these fascists back.
[Wednesday-morning update]
Is California at peak progressive? I hope so.
[Thursday-morning update]
The slow, painful death of California.
[Late-morning update]
Mike Solana: Extract, or die.
When I first saw the title, I thought it would be about the need of the state to utilize its energy resources. But nope. It’s an excoriation of San Francisco’s government.
[Christmas-morning update]
Rural CA to Newsom: “Kiss our ass.”
All I want for Christmas is a citizens’ revolt against tyranny. As Mike Rowe says, safety third.
[Update a few minutes later]
In the state just to the north, patriots are starting to water the tree of liberty.
The “Relief” Bill
Why yes, our government is totally broken. Why do you ask?
We need a constitutional amendment to fix this sort of thing, but while you could probably get enough states on board, you’d never get two thirds of Congress to do it. It was a rare moment of agreement between AOC and Ted Cruz. I hope that Trump vetoes this abomination, and tells them to try again.
[Update Wednesday morning]
The “stimulus” bill stimulates Congress’s lust for power.
[Update a while later]
This bill is another demonstration that Congress is unfit to govern.
Thoughts On The Election
They stole it fair and square.
Yes, if we learn anything from Trump, is that we have to fight, and beat them at their own games.
What does he know about transportation?
I wonder if he knows anything, or cares about space? He’ll be ultimately in charge of launch licensing.
California’s Business-Climate Deniers
At what point, if any, will Sacramento get the message?
The Antrim County Forensic Audit
It sure looks like funny business. Next step would be to audit all of Michigan (and maybe all Dominion machines in the swing states).
[Update Tuesday morning]
Where things stand at this hour.
Georgia has to be the focus now.
“Social Justice”
I’m hoping that the coming crime wave won’t extend to the beach cities. I suspect it won’t, because the criminals will want to stay in the jurisdiction in which they’ll be coddled.
[Update a while later]
Well, this sucks. It’s the LA County DA, so it will affect us as well.