How it rakes in cash for the cartels.
At some point, we have to recognize that China has been waging war against us for years.
How it rakes in cash for the cartels.
At some point, we have to recognize that China has been waging war against us for years.
…is now upon us.
A history of the need for an armed citizenry.
Any gun registry we have here should be burned as well.
…is the perfect nanny to tidy up the mess of free speech.
How the Republicans should retaliate.
Yes, stick it to the schools.
EFF has some suggestions.
[Tuesday-morning update]
Elon conquers the Twitterverse.
[Update Wednesday morning]
The great Musk Twitter meltdown.
[Update a couple minutes later]
Eccentric billionaire does more for free speech in one day than Republican politicians have in decades.
[Update a few minutes later]
Musk’s acquisition is making academia angry and nervous.
[Update a while later]
The week in pictures, Muskageddon edition.
[Late-morning update]
The need for Elon.
“…The likelihood of skewed priorities with the operational mindset within a company that displays this kind of lack of viewpoint diversity is stratospheric. When a GOP donor is harder to find on the payroll than a vegan cannibal, you have to expect that a uniform level of thinking would become entrenched. When every single person in the offices sits in the same bubble, those overseeing the enforcement of the terms of service will not question things when questionable decisions are made…”
The Democrats are campaigning on it.
“Recently, Durham revealed extremely damaging evidence against Sussmann. However, this is the first full description of the Clinton associates refusing to cooperate under the Fifth Amendment. Durham noted that he gave immunity to an individual identified only as ‘Research 2.’”
I got six months of Disney+ free from my Verizon account. The six months is up, though, and I now get the pleasure of cancelling it and telling them why, like Karol.
From Reddit.
Some think that the latest one-month delay is good news, indicating that the FAA is really trying to make it happen ASAP. We’ll see.