How do we prune back the Deep State?
Category Archives: Law
The Depp Trial
I haven’t posted anything about it, and I’ve been dismayed at how much media coverage there has been on it, but Jonathan Turley makes an interesting point about the decline of the ACLU. It would be great to see her sue it and the WaPo to get the money she needs to pay Depp.
[Saturday-morning update]
Thoughts from Rod Dreher on the implications for our current society and the lies of the Left.
Margaret Atwood
…profoundly embarrasses herself in The Atlantic.
Elon Musk
RIP, Randy Weaver
Ruby Ridge is not forgotten.
It certainly shouldn’t be.
The Latest Insanity
Certifying Commercial Space Stations
NASA just put out an RFI. This concerns me a little: “NASA is currently developing requirements for commercially owned and operated destinations that would support NASA, international, and private astronauts safely in low-Earth orbit.”
NASA can certify facilities for NASA support (as it did for commercial crew), but it has no business saying what safety requirements should be for use by international or private astronauts. My comment will be that different individuals will have different risk tolerances, and that commercial facilities should be allowed to establish their own requirements for their own customers.
[Afternoon update]
From the document: “NASA intends to be one of many users of the provider’s CLD. NASA will only levy requirements on the CLD service to ensure the safety of the NASA or -NASA sponsored crewmembers. However, for CLD provider services with their other customers, NASA will need to have Insight to the provider’s activities to ensure that these do not create an elevated risk that could impact the NASA or NASA sponsored crewmembers.”
CLD is Commercial LEO Destination. I wonder why they capitalized “insight”? I assume by this that they mean that if NASA is going to be using the facility, NASA would want to know who else is and what they are doing, so they can assess whether that activity is consistent with NASA’s needs for safety assurance for their own employees. That’s not unreasonable (we had to do that sort of thing in payload integration for the Shuttle to ensure that a payload wouldn’t break an Orbiter), but it will be an inhibitor for facilities to welcome NASA aboard. But by my reading, this will only apply to facilities that want NASA as a customer, and those that can find markets without NASA will be able to have their own safety requirements independent of anything NASA wants. Both Phil McAlister and Kathy Lueders have read my book, and are aware of the danger of overspecifying S&MA requirements, but they also have to be cognizant of the politics.
More Advice To Elon On Twitter
“These challenges are difficult but pale in comparison to reinventing space travel. The greatest asset that Musk brings to Twitter beyond a deep pocket and deep faith in free speech is his legendary creativity. He tends to focus on a horizon rather than the obstacles or opponents before him. Free speech remains a horizonal ideal but one that is attainable for someone with unflagging commitment and creativity. This could be the ultimate “moon shot” for Musk to bring free speech back to the Internet.”
Take Them To The Cleaners
The computer repairman who turned over Hunter’s laptop is suing several people and organizations who deserve to be sued.