Did the Department of Justice get a gag order? If so, as he says, this is a gross abuse of power. And typical of this administration.
Category Archives: Law
Follow Scotus Blog for live blogging of today’s opinions. I’m reading through now.
Remembering Runnymede
My thoughts on today’s anniversary, over at PJMedia. I haven’t been posting much because I’ve been attending a mini-conference on the subject, which was fascinating. I learned a lot of history from a lot of learned people. Sadly, it’s a history that we have not been teaching our youth. It doesn’t fit the narrative.
[Tuesday-morning update]
More thoughts from Iain Murray.
[Afternoon update]
We need a Magna Carta for the regulatory state.
The Magna Carta
It’s almost the 800th anniversary of the signing, and there will be a ceremony in Runnymede on Monday, with Daniel Hannan. But if you’re in the Los Angeles area you can participate via satellite with him by attending this conference tomorrow and Monday. Looks like an interesting line up of speakers, if you’re interested in things Anglospheric.
IT Security Training
There is no evidence that Hillary, Chery Mills or Huma ever got any. And there’s also no evidence that she ever signed the separation form. Laws are for the little people.
Hillary Clinton And Voting
Yes, this is just about ginning up the base, and allowing/encouraging as many illegitimate Democrat votes as possible.
[Update a few minutes later]
Why Hillary’s vote “reform” proposals are all likely unconstitutional.
She doesn’t care about the Constitution any more than Barack Obama does.
The Justice Department assault on it:
Sadly, the Department of Justice can probably annoy everyone a great deal before it either loses or gives up trying. “The government doesn’t need reasonable suspicion or probable case to use grand jury subpoenas to seek information,” White confirms. “Regrettably, the government can probably abuse the Grand Jury subpoena power this way.” What it almost certainly cannot do, though, is win in court. Indeed, it is especially bizarre that the DOJ would pick this fight given that just last week the Supreme Court made it clear that, in order for a person to be found guilty of issuing “true threats,” prosecutors must demonstrate not only that a reasonable person would construe the words at hand as a “threat” but convince a jury that he knew what he was doing. Writing for the majority, Chief Justice Roberts concluded that “federal criminal liability generally does not turn solely on the results of an act without considering the defendant’s mental state.” Under this standard, jokes, hyperbole, and rank stupidity in the comments section of a website are, frankly, not going to cut it. Good old mens rea would make sure of that.
Mens rea doesn’t seem to mean much any more. Few people are aware of the multiple federal felonies per day that they are probably committing.
Obama Hopes SCOTUS Will “Play It Straight”
Because, you know, the only way to “play it straight” is to agree with him.
I don’t think we’ve ever seen a president so contemptuously dismissive of the motives of anyone who disagrees with him. He is almost constitutionally unable to grant good will to what he views as his only enemies, which are domestic, not foreign.
The Court “Victory” For The EPA
This doesn’t sound like a huge legal victory for the administration. It only postpones an actual ruling until later this summer.
A New Private Launch Industry
In Japan? The Diet is going to take up a Japanese version of the Commercial Space Launch Act.