Category Archives: Law

Granny Clinton

Time to take the car keys away from her.

Unless, of course, she’s just lying. In which case it’s time for her to take a vacation in Club Fed.

[Update a couple minutes later]

The end of American exceptionalism (which the Left has always hated):

The question is whether Madison’s defenses failed and the factions are inside the wire. America for a long time beat the odds but recently things have taken a turn for the worse. It is no accident that many of America’s troubles have coincided with the growth of identity politics, special interest groups, foreign lobbying and corruption. If so they have spread their poison and created an American version of the “informal networks” that proved so fatal in other countries, as Madison feared.

Moreover, the American factional system operates in the worst possible way. The Clinton Foundation and private email scandal is a portrait of venality without competence. The peculiar characteristics of American factionalism have bred something singular; a phenomenon at once cunning yet stupid, both corrupt and inept. America is no longer exceptional, just another bum in the ring. Yet while Putin can often outwit Obama (and Hillary when she was in State), the Russian cannot seem to turn anything to lasting advantage. The outcome is a kind of impotence afflicting both sides.

2016 should have been an election charged with passion, but it is atmospherically deadening, as if many voters wished the candidates would just go away. If the 20th century was one in which people believed government could solve all the world’s problems, the 21st century is fast developing into one where government has become like the weather: chaotic, capricious and ultimately arbitrary — something everyone talks about but no one can do anything about.

The factions have filled political discourse with entropy. There it will remain until it settles around a new attractor. Until then, all that is left is to live out our lives in the shadow of a mysterious federal building that no intelligent life is known to inhabit, save for a lady rumored to be in periodic residence occasionally glimpsed trying to send a message on a BlackBerry before smashing it with a hammer.

Or wiping it, like, with cloth or something.

[Update a couple more minutes later]

Hillary’s terrible, no good, very bad week.

May all her weeks be like that.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Oh, and speaking of the competence of the “elite” left, Jill Stein missed a rally because her people booked her on a flight to the wrong city. Hey, as Ed says, who can tell one “c” city from another in Flyover Country?

Today’s FBI Friday-Before-Holiday-Weekend Email Drop

I am simply stunned at what came out of it, even the parts that weren’t redacted (one has to wonder how bad the redacted portions are). Here’s Ben Shapiro’s take:

Here’s the bottom line: this is obviously criminal activity. The FBI’s decision not to recommend indictment was a total fraud; they hid behind the fig leaf that she didn’t “intend” to break the law, which was not required by the law. Even so, there is no way in hell that any other human being would be treated with such deference regarding the question of intent. Either Hillary Clinton is either the most incompetent woman ever put in charge of a major governmental department, or she’s a criminal. There’s no in-between here. And we’ve been informed she’s the Most Competent Woman In Human History.

I wonder if we’ve finally reached a point at which even the MSM can no longer support this?

[Update a while later]

Comey was full of it when he said that she didn’t lie to the FBI. She’s been lying to everyone.

[Update later afternoon]

More from former intelligence analyst John Schindler: “Although the FBI’s press release is terse, the documents themselves indelibly portray the Democratic presidential nominee as dishonest, entitled, and thoroughly incompetent.”

But other than that, she’s great.

Why Didn’t She Destroy All Of The Benghazi Emails?

Because in addition to being corrupt liars, utterly indifferent to national security, she and her team are incompetent dolts. But that shouldn’t be news to anyone who’s been paying attention for the past quarter century. Which is unfortunately far too many people.

Is there any point at which the Democrats finally come to realize that she and they just aren’t up to the job? They can’t even do a decent cover up.

Culture Of Corruption

An email that requests that the State Department “take care” of a Clinton Foundation donor. And surprise, surprise! Hillary didn’t turn over all of the emails discussing interactions between State and foundation donors.

More from Mark Tapscott. Can there be any doubt, at this point, why she set up the personal server?

[Update a few minutes later]

Hillary’s pay-for-play scheme at the State Department. No one who paid any attention in the 90s would be surprised by any of this, when they peddled the White House for donations. Just ask Johnny Chung.

Faithfully Executing The Office

The administration has an on-line guide to how to avoid deportation.

Part of defending the Constitution is upholding the law that flows from it, as ruled by the courts (and the courts of ruled against the administration’s lawlessness on this issue). This is exactly the opposite, and should be an impeachable offense against Lynch, if not Obama himself, but the Congress continues to lack feck.

[Update a couple minutes later]

The ATF is illegally hoarding gun owners personal information.

Tar. Feathers.

Bernie Versus Hillary

FWIW Daily Kos says that absent fraud, he would have won by a landslide. Of course, absent fraud, including weaponizing the IRS against the Tea Party, Obama would have lost to Romney.

[Update a few minutes later]

“Hey, Bernie supporters, you poor saps never had a chance.” Well, everyone tried to tell them. The Democrats are a massive racist organized-crime syndicate masquerading as a political party.