Category Archives: Law

Political Correctness

Without it, we might not have a terror problem at all.

My confidence in the FBI is pretty much zero at this point.

[Update a few minutes later]

Speaking of the FBI, nothing that Comey says about the Clinton investigation makes any sense. Well, if you assume the fix was in from the beginning (as she told Brett Baier), it does.

[Update a few minutes later]

From (Democrat, AFAIK) Jonathan Turley:

Of all of the individuals who would warrant immunity, most would view Mills as the very last on any list. If one assumes that there may have been criminal conduct, it is equivalent to immunizing H.R. Haldeman and John D. Ehrlichman in the investigation of Watergate.

Why, it’s almost as though there was no intent to seriously investigate.

This is gangster government, and it will only get worse if she gets into the White House. At least Trump will be more likely to be reined in by Congress (perhaps even impeached and removed).

[Update a few more minutes later]

Good question, from a smart prosecutor: “What more would she have had to do to get you to prosecute her?”

The FBI Clinton Files

Twenty-seven things we learned from them.

Most of which are indictable felonies. Including that Obama lied when he said he didn’t know that she had a private server. The question is, does the same pseudonym show up in emails to and from Lois Lerner? If so, it’s stronger evidence than they had to impeach Nixon.

[Update a while later]

Turning the FBI into the White House’s political pawn may be the worst thing about Obama’s legacy.

I’m old enough to remember when the White House was the FBI’s political pawn.

For The Good Of The Country

James Comey should resign.

I agree. He should have done so long ago over this. I’m surprised and disappointed that he’s willing to go along with this level of government corruption. He’s destroying the reputation of the FBI.

[Update a few minutes later]

If you want checks and balances, vote Trump.

He’s not really a Republican, but he’ll be viewed sufficiently as one by the press to treat him like one, so we’ll once again get serious scrutiny on the White House.

[Update a few minutes later]

Don’t let Comey put a criminal in the White House.

I agree; if Comey wants to do the right thing, the new revelations provide an opening for him to do so. But I don’t think he wants to. He seems to be doubling down on the corruption.

Crooked Hillary

The name should and will stick: She’s either criminal, or criminally incompetent, or both.

[Update a few minutes later]

The civil service system is broken: we had to find out about her emails from a hacker. #Transparency

Public-employee unions should be abolished, and we need reform of the civil service, which has become a one-party weapon against the people.

[Update a couple minutes later]

The ethics wall between Hillary and her foundation didn’t extend to her State Department staff. This is insane. Criminally insane.