Category Archives: Law

Hillary Clinton

Book burner:

A liberal society is one in which everybody has free-speech rights. A society in which some people have free-speech rights and some do not, depending on the self-interested whim of people with political power, is a totalitarian society realized to a greater or lesser degree. Heinrich Heine’s advice on the connection between the treatment of books and the treatment of human beings is always and forever relevant.

As I wrote recently, Trump has never read the Constitution. She hates it.

Trump Is Right; The Election Is Rigged

In many ways, but also in the way that the last one was: By the IRS, which continues to target conservative groups. And it may continue under Trump, albeit possibly with different targets, but it definitely will under her. And he can be impeached and removed.

[Update a few minutes later]

Six ways the State Department tried to cover up her emails.

Man, that Trump dude is just crazy to think the game is rigged. I guess he was listening to these people too much.

The FBI Investigation Summary

proves in and of itself that she broke the law.

If those agents are patriots, they’ll come forward before the election.

Also, related: Hillary’s security detail requested reassignment due to her abuse. This is totally in character; numerous Secret Service agents reported similar behavior when she was First (non)Lady. A young Chelsea reportedly followed her parents’ lead and called them “trained pigs.”

[Update a few minutes later]

More at the Daily Caller:

People inside the bureau are furious. They are embarrassed. They feel like they are being led by a hack but more than that that they think he’s a crook. They think he’s fundamentally dishonest. They have no confidence in him. The bureau inside right now is a mess.”

He added, “The most important thing of all is that the agents have decided that they are going to talk.”

They need to talk before the election. After will be too late.

[Update a few minutes later]

Hillary’s sworn deposition reveals more public lies. Of course it does. She’s been getting away with lying, under oath and otherwise, for decades. Why would she think she can’t continue, particularly on the verge of becoming totally beyond the law?

[Update a couple minutes later]

Victor Davis Hanson: The case for Trump:

Trump’s defeat would translate into continued political subversion of once disinterested federal agencies, from the FBI and Justice Department to the IRS and the EPA. It would ensure a liberal Supreme Court for the next 20 years — or more. Republicans would be lucky to hold the Senate. Obama’s unconstitutional executive overreach would be the model for Hillary’s second wave of pen-and-phone executive orders. If, in Obama fashion, the debt doubled again in eight years, we would be in hock $40 trillion after paying for Hillary’s even more grandiose entitlements of free college tuition, student-loan debt relief, and open borders. She has already talked of upping income and estate taxes on those far less wealthy than the Clintons and of putting coal miners out of work (“We are going to put a whole lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business”) while promising more Solyndra-like ventures in failed crony capitalism.

The damage done by the lawlessness and corruption of the Democrats is incalculable. Trump is and will be terrible, but here’s my simple case to vote for him:

1) He’s not her.
2) Unlike her, he can be impeached and removed, and will provide an opportunity to rein in a tyrannical executive branch.
3) It would issue a huge and well-deserved F**k You to the media.

[Update a while later]

“It’s almost impossible to keep up with the evidence of Clinton misconduct, wrongdoing and illegality that continues to emerge. It is overwhelming.”

And three weeks before an election, the most important one of our lifetimes, I think.

The Rule Of Law

Do we still believe in it?

Democrats don’t seem to. At least not as applied to them.

Whatever you think of Donald Trump, the election of Hillary Clinton will be a moral and legal catastrophe unprecedented in the history of our country from which it may never recover. Sound excessive? Think what you wish, but the fact of the matter is the USA will have an unindicted criminal as president and no one knows what the consequences will be.

With each passing day it becomes clearer the investigation of the Hillary Clinton email scandal was such a sham that it did far more than merely tarnish the reputations of the FBI and the Department of Justice. It distorted our legal system beyond recognition.

The FBI and Justice Department have apparently been used by one political party to keep the other out of power by covert manipulation of our system. That means these institutions have been turned on their heads into instruments of state oppression extraordinarily close to those used by totalitarian regimes.

There will come a point, if this continues, that only the Second Amendment will preserve the Republic. At this point, the best outcome would be the election of Donald Trump, and then removal via Article 2, Section 4. Or perhaps the 22nd Amendment.

[Update a few minutes later]

Oopsie. Two “boxes” of Clinton emails unaccounted for. And why were they in boxes? Because for no explained reason, she printed them out, a format that can’t be easily searched, rather than simply handing over a thumb drive, which could. This is a massive cover up, in which the White House, the Department of State, and the Justice Department and the Clinton campaign all collaborated. It’s a much bigger deal than Watergate (particularly when combined with the continued IRS abuse and cover up). And the Democrats in the media can’t be bothered to care.

[Update a few minutes later]

The Left’s attempts to silence dissenters will not end well. And I agree with Glenn: “I’m increasingly concerned that the neutralization of the Tea Party movement — an effort by both major parties — may have convinced a lot of people that civics-book style polite political participation is for chumps.”

They are sowing the wind.

[Update a while later]

America’s governing “elite” thinks that Americans are morons. Well, if we continue to allow them to run our lives, in some sense, we are. This will not end well.

[Update at noon]

Sarah Hoyt: Breaking and buying.

The Rotten FBI Investigation

Thoughts from Austin Bay, and Andrew McCarthy.

I think that Comey and Lynch should be impeached. Both the Clintons and Obama corrupt everything they come in contact with.

[Tuesday-morning update]

What did Obama know, and when did he know it? It’s becoming pretty clear that in order to find her guilty (which she was and is) they would have also had to expose his guilt. And we still don’t know if there was contact between Lerner and the White House, because of the IRS cover up.

[Update a couple minutes later]

The FBI colluded with the Democrats and Team Clinton on the email “investigation.”