Category Archives: Law

Kafka In Palm Beach County

We’re having to deal with a bizarre situation with a house we own in Lake Worth, Florida. The Building Department is demanding that we close a permit, and threatening to fine us a grand a day until we do so. Fun fact: The permit was opened at the time the house was built, two owners prior, and we have no idea what it’s for, and neither does the Building Department, but they’re demanding that we take care of it and have it inspected anyway. It seems to basically be an extortion scheme by a money-hungry local government. Does anyone have any ideas about how to get them to cease and desist pro se? Or know someone who would take it pro bono?

Cuomo’s Top Aides

…are indicted on sweeping corruption charges. But as is pointed out, unlike Chris Christie, Cuomo is a Democrat, so it’s just a “local news story.”

And I agree that that Bharara is a bulldog, and very likely to eventually get to Her Highness herself, regardless of what Trump wants, or what Sessions wants (I can’t imagine the latter calling him off at this point). He is doing the job that Comey refused to do. I don’t really care whether or not she ends up wearing orange (though I know a lot of people who’ve handled classified information who think she should), but her crimes should be put on the public record, just as Nixon’s were, before there should be any consideration of a pardon.

Trump And ObamaCare

No, amending it won’t work. They deliberately designed it to ensure that it wouldn’t.

Allowing people to buy insurance with pre-existing conditions remains as economically insane as when it was first proposed. There are better ways to deal with this than effing up the insurance market. And 26-year olds are supposed to be adults, though that’s just stupid, but not as economically harmful.

[Update a few minutes later]

And yes, live by reconciliation, die by reconciliation. Have it on his desk to sign on his first day.

Sauce For The Goose

No, Republicans shouldn’t let the Democrats filibuster the Supreme Court picks.

As has often been pointed out, Democrats in power behave as though they’ll never lose power again. Make them pay for it.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Related, sort of: Democrats are starting to realize that Obama led them into a cultural cul de sac.

[Update a couple more minutes later]

This sea of red shows how devastating the electoral losses of the past six years have been for Democrats.

I’m still angry that the media somehow made red the color of the Republicans, instead of the Marxists.

Quantity Versus Quality

This is an old post, but it’s worth a repost with all of the nonsense this week about how Hillary should be president because she won (or is winning — I think they’re still counting) the popular vote:

It would be perfectly constitutional for the electors to be chosen by throwing darts at a phone book, by elimination from a reality show, or a mass tournament of pistols at dawn, as long as the legislature so stipulated. That was the degree to which the Founders thought that the states should have leeway in determining how they determined their electors. This is a very important point to make when arguing with modern democraphiles about ending the Electoral College and electing the president by popular vote.

Not also my broader point:

Many (in fact, many too many) in government imagine that their job is to create more government. As three examples, legislators think they’re supposed to pass legislation, diplomats think that (among other things) they’re supposed to get treaties signed and ratified, and regulators think that they’re supposed to create regulations. They are encouraged in this by many fools in the press who actually consider legislation sponsored and passed into law (particularly when it has a lawmaker’s name on it) to be a figure of merit to be touted as part of his record for reelection, or election to a higher office. Legislators who have passed lots of legislation, or secretaries of state who get lots of treaties ratified are lionized in the media, while those who do neither are denigrated as “do nothings.” All this, of course, despite whether or not the legislation passed, treaty ratified, or regulation created was actually a good idea.

But in fact, those are not their jobs. Their jobs are described in the Preamble. They are: “…to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence [common spelling at the time], promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

Passing legislation, ratifying treaties, promulgating regulations are means to those ends but, despite the title, it is not a legislator’s job to legislate per se. It is not a diplomat’s job to ratify a treaty per se. It is not a regulator’s job to regulate per se. Those are simply tools granted them by the Constitution to carry out their true jobs, as defined above.

I’d also note that, contra the more-recent nonsense about how the Senate wasn’t “doing its job” with regard to Merrick Garland, it has no Constitutional “duty” to advise and consent. It only has the power.