Barak. The old civics course updated for the modern era. Who cares about that musty old constitution, anyway?
Category Archives: Humor
A Movie Trailer
This is pretty funny.
I Won’t Miss The Bomber
But I hope there’s not a lot of collateral damage.
Gotta love Ramirez. I was always amazed that he lasted at the LA Times as long as he did.
[Via Hot Air]
We Few, We Unhappy Few
We band of brothers:
This day is call’d the feast of Reconciliation.
He that votes aye this day, and comes home
To face the slings and arrows and pitchforks of the town-hall mob,
Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam’d,
And rouse him at the name of Reconciliation.
He shall have returned to DC on this day, and have the last laugh,
And a seven-figure sinecure on K Street.
In his stately paneled office with Potomac view
He will yearly on the vigil feast his lobbying-staff,
And say ‘To-morrow is Health Care Day.’
A PowerPoint graph of his Gallups he will show,
And say ‘These wounds I had on Reconciliation day.’
The Battle of Agincourt it ain’t.
We’re Doomed!
A truly dire threat from a truly evil scientist:
No, the Pulsar Doom-Ray will not kill you — immediately. Ah, if only you were that fortunate! Instead, my ingenious device will instantaneously fuse shut the doors of your precious Congress and regulatory agencies. One touch of this button, and I shall bring your entire federal apparatus to a grinding halt — leaving you to suffer week upon week of Washingtonless agony!
Imagine now, if you dare, the fate that I may choose for you: first your vaunted health care bill will die, unreconciled, leaving you with a primitive 2009-level medical system. Trillions of dollars of your life-giving fiscal stimulus will go unspent, throwing tens of your countrymen out of work. Your ‘Smart Diplomacy’ peace partnership initiatives will go uncommunicated, resulting in discomfort and ill ease among the international community!
And this is just the beginning. The aftershocks will be no less painful, as the soothing transmissions of your public radio will fall silent. Diversity goals will remain unmeasured. Warning labels unmandated. Entire crops and cutting-edge artist communities will go unsubsidized. Cut off from your precious heroic public servants, you will be forced to helplessly fend for yourselves in the utter chaos of a dystopian unregulated hellscape where the living will envy the dead!
Actually, on second thought, I wouldn’t give him a dime.
[Late afternoon update]
[VOICE=”Jack Benny“]
I’m thinking it over…
A lot of white people are protesting high taxes in Michigan. You have to admit, it’s not a very diverse crowd.
I think that MSNBC should consider Dramatic Chipmunk as a replacement for Olby. The commentary would be much more intelligent.
[Via Nick Gillespie, who has a lot more, if you enjoy seeing Olby rhetorically beaten to a thin pulp.]
Any chance that comment will get me honored as the Worst Person In The World?
Probably not.
Speaking of Olbermann, so much for his “racist” tea parties.
Up yours too, Janeane.
The Truth Is Out There
Space Nazis versus Space Nazis. The real reason that Obama killed the human space program
I hate Space Nazis. Especially Illinois Space Nazis.
Hitler makes a Hitler-parody video:
Meeting The Unmet Need
An atheist adoption service for pets abandoned by their raptured owners:
Whatever motivates Centre, he has tapped into a source of genuine unease. Todd Strandberg, who founded a biblical prophecy Web site called that draws 250,000 unique visitors a month, agrees that Fido and Mittens are doomed. “Pets don’t have souls, so they’ll remain on Earth. I don’t see how they can be taken with you,” he says. “A lot of persons are concerned about their pets, but I don’t know if they should necessarily trust atheists to take care of them.”
This paradox poses a challenge for Centre. He must reassure the Rapture crowd that his pet rescuers are wicked enough to be left behind but good enough to take proper care of the abandoned pets. Rescuers must sign an affidavit to affirm their disbelief in God—and they must also clear a criminal background check. “We want people who have pets and are animal lovers,” Centre says. They also must have the means to rescue and transport the animals in their charge. His network consists of 26 rescuers covering 22 states. “They take this very seriously,” Centre says.
It’s a serious issue, previously unaddressed. Isn’t America great? I should sign up as a rescuer.