Category Archives: Humor

The Green Pharaoh

See, he was just trying to save the Nile delta. I’m even more amused at the leftist outrage in the comments. But then, leftists, and particularly watermelons, don’t have much of a sense of humor.

[Update a couple minutes later]

I love this comment from Bernstein:

Jon Stewart is funny because of the ways he bugs his eyes out, and otherwise makes funny faces. Can’t get that effect on a blog, I’m afraid.

It’s funny ‘cuz it’s true.

Where Are You?

I’m not particularly obsessive, and I have some social skills, so my self-diagnosis is that I’m near the intersection of dweeb, nerd and geek, but not quite in any of them.

[Update a couple minutes later]

OK, I realize that it’s just a Venn diagram, and not quantitative in the way implied by my positioning. But I’m really not obsessive, so if I’m in any intersection, it would make me a dweeb.