I found Lileks’ Bleat more amusing than normal this morning. What an eye for cultural detail.
Category Archives: Humor
Burger King
If only he were our king.
It’s hard to argue. He’d be a true philosopher prince in comparison to the liars and hacks running the country now.
The Media Violence Center
Its head, Iowahawk, has the latest report on the threat to our nation from these dangerous and violent MSM extremists.
Atlas Picked It Back Up
I’m not sure that this story is a hundred percent accurate.
The Green Pharaoh
See, he was just trying to save the Nile delta. I’m even more amused at the leftist outrage in the comments. But then, leftists, and particularly watermelons, don’t have much of a sense of humor.
[Update a couple minutes later]
I love this comment from Bernstein:
Jon Stewart is funny because of the ways he bugs his eyes out, and otherwise makes funny faces. Can’t get that effect on a blog, I’m afraid.
It’s funny ‘cuz it’s true.
Where Are You?
I’m not particularly obsessive, and I have some social skills, so my self-diagnosis is that I’m near the intersection of dweeb, nerd and geek, but not quite in any of them.
[Update a couple minutes later]
OK, I realize that it’s just a Venn diagram, and not quantitative in the way implied by my positioning. But I’m really not obsessive, so if I’m in any intersection, it would make me a dweeb.
I know, some people think this joke is past its sell-by date, but I can’t get enough of them. I liked the reassurance about helping her trim.
I’m Confused
New Hampshire has banned fish pedicures.
It seems like a redundant and unnecessary law to me. Last time I checked, fish couldn’t afford pedicures. Not to mention that they don’t have pedis to cure. Even in New Hampshire. Though if they do, it will really upset the Discovery Institute.
And yes, before you comment, this is an Emily Litella moment.
Not So Mad About Obama
Where No Man Has Ever Gone Before
And, let’s hope, never goes again:
[Via Phil Bowermaster]