Here’s a joke that’s been going around the Intertubes — it was the Icelandic economy’s last wish that its ashes be scattered over the EU.
Speaking of which, here’s some cheery news. There may be a bigger eruption coming.
[Update a while later]
Here are some more . I liked this one:
Iceland goes bankrupt, then it manages to set itself on fire. This has insurance scam written all over it.
This is pretty funny. I don’t watch the Morning Joe, but Mika made Joan Walsh look like an idiot. Not that that’s much of a challenge.
[Update a few minutes later]
It’s kind of inside baseball, but I’m assuming that the MSNBC suits have been telling Mika and Joe they’re not allowed to criticize Olbermann or Matthews. Hilarious.
…for a civilized society.
We laugh, so we don’t cry.
[Update a few minutes later]
Some tax-day thoughts from Newt Gingrich.
This should be magnetted on every refrigerator door.
Can you say Associate Justice Iowahawk ? I knew you could.
Especially the most recent three. Star Wars as a comedy series .
I found Lileks’ Bleat more amusing than normal this morning. What an eye for cultural detail.
If only he were our king .
It’s hard to argue. He’d be a true philosopher prince in comparison to the liars and hacks running the country now.
Its head, Iowahawk, has the latest report on the threat to our nation from these dangerous and violent MSM extremists.
I’m not sure that this story is a hundred percent accurate.
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