Iowahawk has sources. Language warning: like many leftist activities, it’s not family friendly.
Category Archives: Humor
Is This Awesome?
Or just…wrong? I double dare whoever did this to make a bacon Mohammed.
That’s Going To Be Some Pricy Cheese
The Dragon’s secret payload, revealed. I just want to know, is it stilton?
[Update a while later]
Alan Boyle is disappointed. I have to admit, I was thinking spam, too.
Damn You, Auto Correct!
These are pretty funny. It’s actually pretty amusing that there’s a whole site devoted to this.
[Via Geek Press]
Great Moments
…in unintended consequences.
[Early afternoon update]
OK, for some reason, I can’t get the embed to work. Go view it here.
The Miss TSA
…pinup calendar. I’m not sure whether or not this is safe for work.
A Little Thanksgiving Cheer
…from Iowahawk. Though this seems more like a Middle-West negotiating breakthrough than a Middle-East one.
I Want To Do Apollo Again
A typical conversation in the space blogosphere.
[Update late evening]
OK, I ended up just redoing it. Try it now.
[Late evening update]
I’ve uploaded a Youtube version.